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My Factorio Logistic Train Evolution

I'm in love with this game. Factorio is a rare gem that allows you to sink 1000 hours into building factories, circuits and trains and yet still be learing something new. I'm on my third map now and each has been an amazing learning experience each time.

The most advanced circuits I've created so far have been vanilla logistic train loaders which supplies all my wall defence, outpost, and other remote building needs.

Since I began playing in March 2020 I've saved a daily snapshot of my factories which I can now dig through to describe the evolution of my train logistic systems (circuits).

There's a natural progression between the systems going from the simplest of designs using per-item filter inserters:

Humble design

To a module based, fast & exact logistic loaders/unloaders:

Module based, fast, exact

In this post I'll walk through how I got there and the problems I encountered along the way.

Simple: reserved wagon slots

Slot item filters

Middle-click on each cargo wagon slot to filter it to a specific item. I used this to create several trains for different purposes:

  • Wall/defence supplies (ammo, walls, lasers)
  • Build train (inserters, chests, power poles, etc)
  • Solar

The schedule would be set to full cargo and then sit waiting for an outpost to enable itself when short on supplies.

The unloader is the inverse of the loader: filter inserters to remove only specific items into space restricted provider chests.

Unloader filter inserters

The circuit above will count the number of unique items in the chest. I wired this to the train stop to enable when [tick] != 12:

Enable train stop when item stocks out

The leaving schedule should be inactivity (which may depend on your bot speed, I used between 5-10 seconds almost everywhere).


Simplicity and compactness win big here. You can also increase the number of cargo wagons to transport around more item types (24, 36, ...) or more of each.


Adding that 13th item..

A dead-end that I hit when trying to extend this system beyond 12 items per wagon was stuck inserters. In this requester chest I configured passive provider chests and lasers. Unless the hand completely empties into the wagon it will stall and never insert the other item types:

Stuck inserter

Micro-managing inserter stack sizes is a reoccuring theme with the more complex logistic circuits.

Best to use additional wagons for more items with this design.

Train requester gate

Add a wall and gate to detect the player. Make the wall-gate connection output [tick] 1 to activate the [tick] != 12 condition and the train will be dispatched to pick you up!

Trash wagon

A simple addition to the previous setup is a separate wagon for returning waste (rocks, trees, deconstruction waste) back to base for use/disposal.

Direct robo-insertion

A pain point when setting up a new logistic unloader outpost was inserting the initial logistic bots manually. Like chests you can insert bots directly into the roboport from the wagon. I replaced the first two passive chests with the corner of the roboport.

Direct robo insertion

A circuit connection to the roboport will let you inspect bot stats to conditionally enable the inserter up to a desired threshold (e.g. [logistic bots] < 100).

Robo config

Bot filter inserter

After a while I noticed a problem: waves of biter attacks were burning through my bots. I needed a way to monitor my bot levels and request a stock-up when they reached cricital levels. Enter the two additional decider combinators on the left. Both are wired up to the roboport to check the bot-stats and both will output [tick] 1 when their conditions are true [construction bots] > 50 and [logistic bots > 50].

Bot combinator conditions

No changes to the train stop condition [tick] != 12 is needed. The train station will be auto disabled when:

  • Construction bots > 50
  • Logistic bots > 50
  • Number of unique items in chests == 10

Train stacker

I was reaching throughput capacity of a single train and decided to add multiple. Simple right?


Multiple trains, dynamic stops & no-pathing nightmares

Multiple trains and dynamic train stops are a recipie for disaster. I found that the eager-beaver that made it to the outpost first will de-activate the train stop and no-path the other in-flight trains in the middle of critical intersections stalling my entire train network. I made the incorrect assumption that if there were no train stops active the train will automatically skip to the next in the schedule and return to base.

A trick that I missed in my first factory was using a modular rail blueprint with red and green wires included on the power poles. I didn't know this at the time but circuit connections in blueprints are free! so there's no additional cost to including them everywhere.

The rail circuit network can be used to request trains and also provide homes for orphaned trains when all stations are disabled.

The no-pathing trains drove me up the wall. Despite the urge to go Office Space on my save file, I walked my rail network adding a red wire. No small task:

World map

Then I changed the outpost station to send a signal on the rail network when it needs a train (e.g. W: 1 for the wall resupply train). I also changed the train stop to check for that signal locally to enable/disable the stop in sync with the request signal (W == 1). I made sure to use a different color wire for the train stop and the rail network so that all stations did not enable when any of them did.

Unloader signal

Finally a dummy station is setup back at base to activate only when there were no train requests (W == 0).

Dummy station

I also changed the loading train schedule to only leave the station when a train is requested (W > 0) otherwise the train(s) will loop through the dummy station endlessly.

Loader schedule

Quantum leap #1: dynamic logistic loader/unloader stations

Dynamic loaders/unloaders

The magic here is that the logistic request is set via constant combinators at the loader and unloader stations. The item request signals are crunched by circuits at both ends to load and unload the trains with filter inserters in the set-filters mode.

Train loader

Dynamic loader

There are three components to the loader. I use the WANT combinator to set the train contents, the FETCH circuit to pre-cache the storage chest with the requested items and TRAIN CONTENTS circuit to subtract items from the filter inserter set-filters signal as the train is filling up. The train stop must be set to read train contents.

The FETCH circuit requires a requester and storage chest because you are unable to both set-requests and read contents at the same time (due to the game circuit mechanics). Further, the inserter is set to read the hand contents (in hold mode) which is joined with the storage chest signal to be subtracted from the requester set-requests signal.

Same as the previous iteration, the train schedule will only depart if the circuit network requests a train. Don't forget to connect the train stop to the rail circuit network (like I did in this screenshot!).

Aside: the Picker Dollies mod is a game changer for designing and debugging circuits. You can move the components around and rotate them without losing your wire connections.

Train unloader

Dynamic unloader

The unloader has many more components.

The BOTS circuit has an upgrade. To boot-strap the system bots will be direct inserted from the cargo wagon up to the thresholds set in the filter inserters ([logistic bots] < 50, [construction bots] < 50]). Additional bots will be inserted through the requester chest up to the thresholds set in the constant combinator (based on the needs of the outpost). The bot stats are subtracted from the requester chest set-requests signal.

I like this system because I can replenish bots from or discard bots to outpost logistic storage. If needed, those bots can be inserted into the bot network or returned to base.

The REQUEST circuit takes the WANT signal and checks if we have at least 50% of those items in logistic storage ([*each] / -2) which is then added to the logistic storage contents (the storage chest green wires). The decider combinator checks if any stock is below 0 ([*anything] < 0) and, if so, enables the train stop and emits the signal for this station S: 1 on to the rail circuit network.

The UNLOAD circuit subtracts the WANT signal from the storage circuit and inverts the result. Any positive item values activate the filter inserter in the set-filters mode. I made a rookie mistake in the first version of this station by using the logistic circuit contents signal from the roboport instead of using the signal from explicit storage chests. You can guess what happened at my smelting outposts.

TRASH subtracts 200% of the WANT signal from the storage chests. Any positive values are requested by the requester chest in set-filters mode to be dumped into the next cargo wagon to visit the station.

Trash train request

With a layer of indirection in the trash system chests we can detect whether there are any items to send back to base and request a pickup. I frequently change this to only request a train when there are at least 100 items to return to base. Customize it your needs.

Trash request


No more fiddling with cargo wagon filters and keeping the slot filters in sync across multiple trains. Changing a combinator at the loader and unloader is all that is required. Both of which can be done remotely by dropping a blueprint of the new combinator over the old.

Up to 40 item types per wagon and 80 if you duplicate these circuits per-wagon.


Inexact insertion amounts

The stack inserter (if upgraded) will insert 12 items at a time. All vanilla item stack sizes are not a multiple of 12. To compensate I rounded down most amounts to the nearest multiple of 12. Otherwise items with a stack size of 50 (inserters, chests, etc) would each occupy 2 slots, halving the number of item types I can transport per train.

I'm really impressed with the vanilla game balance here, this forces you to evaluate pragmatic tradeoffs to the additional time and complexity required to solve the problem "correctly".


Gosh this is slow. Dog slow. Watching a single inserter trash 4000 trees, or take out 2000 rail is slower than watching paint dry.

A naive, rough workaround is adding another row of chests and inserters to the existing circuits:


But this has it's problems as well: over-insertion in the wagon, over-removal of items into the outpost, over-trashing items in the trash circuit. Most solved in later circuits, read on.

Another solution that I explored was more logistic loading stations:

More stations

This was also problematic due to the thundering herd of trains that would be released whenever an outpost train stop activated. A 30 second train load time and a single loading station does have its benefits.

Cargo wagon fragmentation

Successive loads, unloads, loads of the cargo wagon may only partially remove items. When the train returns to the station those items may be filled into different cargo slots (especially if there is trash to be removed from the wagon at the same time and slots are freed while loading).

Case in point, this reads as rail: 100 but will mess with the cargo/slot utilization (or "goodput") of the wagon:

Cargo wagon item fragmentation

Furthermore, you have no way of inspecting the fragmentation state. The only solution for this is a reset/trash stop in the train schedule to reset the wagon(s) back to a known good state (empty).

Reset station

Quantum leap #2: Exact item insertion

Exact insertion

The FETCH, CACHE and -HAVE lines are repeats of the prior pre-cache circuits. The SUBTRACT HAND SIZES configuration is explained below.

The magic here is that we can set the hand size per swing for each of the filter inserters. With a mix of hand sizes we can selectively enable/disable each to insert exact amounts.

Lets step through an example: we have a signal rail: 100 which is the difference between what we want and what we have in the cargo wagon.

A common hand-size configuration that I used is [1, 3, 12, 12, 12, 12] which will insert rail: 100 in 4 swings.

Lets step through this with a bit of code:

print('Column, Hand Size, Cumulative stack size, Enable threshold')
print('------, ---------, ---------------------, ----------------')
sizes = [1, 3, 12, 12, 12, 12]
for i in range(len(sizes)):
    cum_size = sum(sizes[0:i+1])
    print(i+1, ',', sizes[i], ',', cum_size, ',', cum_size-1)

print('Swing, Hand size, Remainder')
print('-----, ---------, ---------')
signal = 100
swing = 0
while signal > 0:
    swing += 1
    for arm in sizes:
        if arm > signal:
        signal -= arm
        print(swing, ',', arm, ',', signal)
$ python | column -t -s ',' -L
Column   Hand Size   Cumulative stack size   Enable threshold
------   ---------   ---------------------   ----------------
1        1           1                       0
2        3           4                       3
3        12          16                      15
4        12          28                      27
5        12          40                      39
6        12          52                      51

Swing    Hand size   Remainder
-----    ---------   ---------
1        1           99
1        3           96
1        12          84
1        12          72
1        12          60
1        12          48
2        1           47
2        3           44
2        12          32
2        12          20
2        12          8
3        1           7
3        3           4
4        1           3
4        3           0

The 'enable threshold' column is what is inserted into the row SUBTRACT HAND SIZES arithmetic combinators with the expression [*each] - $x.

Here we can see an example perfect wagon load:

Exact wagon


Slower loading times due to static hand sizes. Must trade throughput for precision. Still improvements to be made here, read on.

Quantum leap #3: Module slots!

This concept was first mentioned to me from a friend while describing I still haven't looked at these templates in depth because I enjoy building and discovering these things myself. The module concept was easily adapted to my stations. I'll be sure to check them out when I think I've hit the ceiling of my current design/exploration.

Now that we have generic loader and unloader circuits, the only difference between specialized stations (for common items, mining items, defence, nuclear) is the constant combinator which sets the item requests.

I extended the unloader station to support multiple "module-cards" that will add their combinator contents to the outpost unloader/stock level circuits. Each will know how to request specialized trains to restock [D]efence, [M]ining, [N]uclear & [S]eed.

Module slots

The innovation here is the ability to drop a module in any of the three slots and yet remain connected to 4 separate circuit networks:

  • Red 1: sum of all item requests.
  • Red 2: current train contents.
  • Green 1: logistic storage.
  • Green 2: public train request network.

The row of lights at CIRCUIT INTERFACE alternate between two red and green circuits which acts as an interface between the module cards and the logistic unloader station. This allows the module cards to be as small as possible and their circuit connections to be self-contained:

Module cards


Common outpost station, modular item requests. Fast loading due to use of multiple trains for requests.


Due to the size of the train stop (2 blocks wide) and the wagon size (6 blocks) a natural limit to this design is 3 module slots per station (without adding padding blocks or additional locomotives). I've been creating more specialzied trains when I hit this limit. Don't forget you can replace or remove cards to return items to base.

Adding multiple outpost stations within the same bot network should be done with care due to the use of explicit storage chests for the logistic storage. If there are multiple disjoint sets of logistic storage, unload storage conditions may never be satisfied. Joining them is the simplest solution or you could use logistic network stats from the roboport (this too has problems if your outpost produces items).


Still possible to improve the speed further by splitting out the trash circuit and inserters into a separate train stop.

Quantum leap #4: Dynamic items and inserter stack sizes

A limitation of the previous loader is the complex, messy & static inserter stack sizes to insert odd amounts exactly.

The problem (until now) was that I had no way of taking a mixed-signal rail: 12, chest: 7, fuel: 1 and set both the correct item and stack sizes for each.

Life would be a lot simpler if inserters supported [*each] in the hand-size signal which would set the hand size to the item value.

It took weeks but I found a solution using an index, iterator and clock circuit.

Dynamic stack sizes

Lets explode this circuit and see whats going on:

Exploded circuit

NEG TRAIN CONTENTS and the constant combinator are familiar elements from previous circuits. This subtracts what is in the train from what I want. To make the output easier to view I then filter with [*each] > 0 but this might not be necessary.

WANT ITEM turns a mixed signal of what is missing rail: 100, chest: 50, etc into rail: 1, chest: 1, etc for each item. This allows me to do set union ([*anything] == 2) in the CURSOR ON WANTED ITEM decider combinator with the current CURSOR item. If there is a match the clock signal is disabled in PAUSE ON WANTED ITEM combinator ([F] == 0 -> [*anything]).

ENABLE CLOCK IF ITEMS MISSING could be replaced by a constant combinator and a constantly running clock -- but I might find it useful to feed the "done" signal into the train schedule at some point. Plus the circuit noises are annoying when it's idle.

CLOCK is a counter and memory circuit in one (a clock). If the clock signal is enabled in ENABLE CLOCK IF ITEMS MISSING and the clock signal isn't paused by PAUSE ON WANTED ITEM then the clock will count up by 1 per game tick.

The SLOW arithmetic combinator will slow the clock down to match the delay in the circuit. There are many calculations required to determine the cursor item, if there are missing items, if the cursor matches a missing item & etc. If there was no delay the clock will be long past items of interest before the clock pause signal has time to activate. At present this is set to divide the clock signal by 6. Improvements (if possible) to this circuit may be able to lower this to 5.

WRAP takes the slower clock signal and wraps it around the max item index (18 items per constant combinator, expression is C % 19 -> I, increase if necessary).

CURSOR compares the index signal to the wrapped slowed clock signal and will only output the matching item [*each] == I -> [*each] 1.

INDEX is a constant combinator which includes the same item types as the request combinator but numbered 1..n for each item type in the request combinator. Gaps are allowed (but wasteful).

Index comb Item comb

With what has been covered so far, we can now take a signal rail: 100, chest: 50, fuel: 10 and isolate it to one item for processing at a time, for example: rail: 1. Notice we don't have quantity information here yet.

Hand signal item signal

We use this part of the circuit to produce the item and hand signals which is fed into the wagon inserter array.

To re-join the quantity information with the cursor signal I do a simple multiplication and subtraction trick.

Multiply the INDEXER signal by 1.0M:

{rail: 1} * 1_000_000 -> {rail: 1_000_000}

Then sum with the WANT signal:

{rail: 1_000_000} + {rail: 100, chest: 50, fuel: 10} -> {rail: 1_000_100, chest: 50, fuel: 10}

And filter for values above 1.0M:

[*each] > 1_000_000 -> [*each]

Which results in rail: 1_000_100. Then subtract 1.0M to re-normalize the value:

[*each] - 1_000_000 -> [*each]

Giving us a final value of rail: 100, woohoo!

That final calculation is duplicated to produce the hand signal as well:

[*each] - 1_000_000 -> H

Both together produce the perfect signal for our inserters: {rail: 100, H: 100} for each item at a time.

Hand offsets

The cumulative hand size subtractions are now simplified to multiples of 12 [0, 12, 24, 36, 48, 60] and subtract from both the item and hand signal.

The swings for rail: 100 look like:

item_signal = 100
hand_signal = 100
num_inserters = 6
swing = 0
print("Swing, Hand Size, Item Signal, Hand Signal")
print("-----, ---------, -----------, -----------")
while item_signal > 0:
    swing += 1
    for _ in range(num_inserters):
        hand_size = min(hand_signal, 12)
        if hand_size > 0:
            item_signal -= hand_size
            hand_signal -= hand_size
            print(swing, ',', hand_size, ',', item_signal, ',', hand_signal)
$ python | column -t -s ',' -L
Swing   Hand Size   Item Signal   Hand Signal
-----   ---------   -----------   -----------
1       12          88            88
1       12          76            76
1       12          64            64
1       12          52            52
1       12          40            40
1       12          28            28
2       12          16            16
2       12          4             4
2       4           0             0

Remember our prior attempt?

Swing    Hand size   Remainder
-----    ---------   ---------
1        1           99
1        3           96
1        12          84
1        12          72
1        12          60
1        12          48
2        1           47
2        3           44
2        12          32
2        12          20
2        12          8
3        1           7
3        3           4
4        1           3
4        3           0

Thats all for now!

I've been writing for 4 days now need time to experiment with several ideas I thought about while writing up this guide.

If there is interest I'll follow up with my results.

I still have a long bucket list of features to improve and quirks to remove:

  • Faster loading/unloading.
  • Simpler index configuration.
  • Balancing items across wagons automatically.
  • Separate trash trains.


Here's a copy of the final blueprint book: 2020-05-22-blueprint.txt

Others are available on request (after a bit of cleanup).


Would love you hear your feedback, corrections, contributions & fixes!

Email: or raise an issue on the GitHub repo.

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