This document is a container of lecture notes while attending the course of Design and Analysis of Algorithms at University of Florence. The professors that give the lectures are Donatella Merlini e Maria Cecilia Verri.
In order to compile the document is sufficient to run `make` if the pdf output is desired. Of course the previous commands have to be typed at the root of the project after entering into the folder created by ‘git clone’ command. During my develop time I’ve used the full installation of the tex-live suite on a debian-powered system. It can be installed by running ‘apt-get install texlive-full’.
However, inside ‘compiled-versions’ folder, there is an already compiled pdf which is the latest version that is at least presentable.
WARNING: it is highly recommended to always fetch the code and compile the document by yourself in order to get the more updated content (I’m not releasing the pdf for each push on github :) ).
All our experiments are saved in a file ‘maxima-worksheet.wxm’ which can be loaded with wxMaxima. The output have been used to build example in the pdf document.
For the generation of the several tree’s structures, given the number ‘n’ of nodes of each tree, we’ve implemented some stuff which can be found in folder ‘trees-generation-ocaml’.