Administrator component for Joomla! useful to control the insertion of a different types of scripts in the html output page.
One of the major issue for a Joomla! admin is: how do I insert all my needed scripts in a html page? And even worst: How much time do I need to spend to add all my scripts? Well, com_jecs is the solution.
The package was developed and tested with the following minimal requirements:
- Joomla! version: 3.4.1
- PHP vversion: 5.6.0
- mysql version: 5.5.1 Although, It was also successfully tested with Joomla! v.3.7.5, PHP v.7.0.1 and MySQL v.
Installation of com_jecs is a straight forward task, as usual in a Joomla! environment. Just follow these steps
- Download the extension from the downloads section
- Login to the administrator page
- Go to Extensions -> Extensions Manager
- Choose Browse and find the file you've just downloaded.
- Click Upload & Install button
- You are done!
To update the package, you can easily follow the same steps you used for the installation. You do not need to uninstall the package before update. The the extention will automatically update all the needed files transparently.
To uninstall the entire package (components and all dependent sub-extensions), please use the core extension manager available in the Joomla! Administrator Control Panel. You just need to uninstall only the component; all dependent sub-extensions, will be removed automagically.
When uninstalling the component, all data stored in the database will be lost.