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SAKURAI Hitohiro edited this page Feb 17, 2022 · 44 revisions

Purpose of This Document

The Developer's Guide is a guideline for those who want to participate the OSS development. There are two clear objectives: (1) One is to share the development procedure for efficient and quality oriented OSS development, and (2) the another is to help you understand Mata Elang specifications and its support community. It is desirable to use this guide to facilitate mutual understanding between participants and the community, to make easy to join the community, and to contribute of improvement of Mata Elang as an OSS product.


Mata Elang was initialized as a private repository in 2018 by LabJarkom C307 - PENS (Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya). In 2018, the Project for Human Resources Development for Cyber Security Professionals, which is implementing by UI (University of Indonesia) and JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency) from 2019 to 2024, decided to develop Mata Elang and to use Mata Elang as an OSS product having the same quality as the market pruduct. After that, a stable version of Mata Elnag, this repository, forked this was created to improve quality and put it into practical use as LONG TERM SUPPORT (LTS). Mata-Elang-Stable is released as Open source software (OSS) jointly by PENS and UI, JICA.

Mata Elang Community

The community is the project committee as a management body. The following table shows the respective roles of the people in the MataElang community.


1. Defining the roles of the people involved

Name Explanation
UI-PENS Mata Elang Steering Committee​ Develop a stable version of Mata Elang and release it to the target users.​
Promote the use of Mata Elang to relevant parties and support its deployment.​
Project Leader - Responsible for active control of the project​
- Interface between the committee and the project, and has the accountability of the project​
Committers - Having written access to the code repository​
- Responsible for the quality assurance, documentation, and user support​
- Having a signed agreement regarding intellectual property​
Developers / Contributors Contributing to the project in the form of code or documentation​
Users Using a protected subnet which is monitored by Mata Elang

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