Implementations of the Fortune's algorithm for the construction of Voronoi diagrams.
The fortune_points folder contains the implementation of the algorithm to the normal version of the diagram.
The folder fortune_weighted_points folder contains the implementation of the algorithm to the weighted points version of the diagram.
Compiles on: g++ 7.0.1
Unordered to-do list:
- Translate all the comments and debug messages to english.
- Make a suit of test to make code refactoring.
- Makefile.
The Fortune's algorithm implemented on this project refers to the algorithm published on: Article.
Given a set S with N points on the plane, called sites, the Voronoi diagram is a partition of the plane into N regions, one region for each site. The Voronoi diagram is very often called a planar graph. See more at: Voronoi diagram wiki article.
There is a usage example at: fortune_points/example0.cpp
To compile the usage example( fortune_points/example0.cpp ) of the implementation to build the main variant of the diagram, use the following command:
g++ -std=c++11 -I . common/* fortune_points/geom/* fortune_points/algorithm/* fortune_points/diagram/* fortune_points/example0.cpp -o builder
Use some of the fortune_points/tests/algorithm/sites_input_samples as input.
Command to compile the tests(you have to include the files from the folder: fortune_points/_tests_/*/* that you want to compile/test):
g++ -std=c++11 -I . common/* fortune_points/geom/* fortune_points/__tests__/main.cpp gtest/libgtest.a -pthread -o fortune-points-tests
On this variant of the diagram every site has a non-negative weight associated. The distance between a site P and a point Q on the plane is given by: euclidean_distance(P,Q) + Pw, where Pw is the weight of P.
The ideas behind the code on fortune_weighted_points/geom/appollonius_circle.* , come from this article.
To compile this implementation use the following command:
g++ -std=c++11 -o builder -I . common/* fortune_weighted_points/geom/* fortune_weighted_points/algorithm/* fortune_weighted_points/diagram/* fortune_weighted_points/*.cpp
To compile the tests:
g++ -std=c++11 -I . common/* fortune_weighted_points/__tests__/main.cpp fortune_weighted_points/__tests__/algorithm/fortune_unittest.cpp fortune_weighted_points/__tests__/algorithm/test_helper/samples_reader.* fortune_weighted_points/algorithm/* fortune_weighted_points/diagram/* fortune_weighted_points/geom/* gtest/libgtest.a -pthread -o fortune-weighted-test
Note: The implementation of the Fortune's algorithm doesn't work for the cases where:
- There is a site dominating other sites.
- There are two sites P and Q, such that Py + Pw = Qy + Qw. Pw and Qw are the weight of the sites P and Q, respectively.