Le projet 14 de la formation Openclassrooms Développeur Front-end "Faites passer une librairie jQuery vers React"
14th project of Front-end Web Developper training by OpenClassrooms "Switch a jQuery library to React"
This codebase contains the code needed to run the frontend for HRNet. Find the reusable modal component built for this project : GitHub simple-math-modal npm package simple-math-modal
HRNet uses the following tech stack:
Please make sure you have the right versions and download both packages. You can verify this by using the following commands in your terminal:
node --version
- Clone the repo onto your computer
- Open a terminal window in the cloned project
- Run the following commands:
cd HRNet-project/
npm install
npm run dev
Your front server should now be running at http://localhost:5173/!