Here are blog articles related to this repository:
- setup a performant aks cluster
- private aks and private acr, safer you are
- my own custom and private azure pipelines agent as a docker container
- flexible kured deployment with its helm chart
- kubernetes network policies, how to secure the communications between your pods
To properly setup and secure your AKS cluster, there is a couple of features and components to enable in order to properly setup your Security Posture, here is the list:
Basic - without cost:
- Managed Identity #62
- Azure Lock #21
- kured #13
- Disable K8S Dashboard #24
- Network Policy with Calico #9
- AAD #10
- Azure Policy for AKS #11
- Azure KeyVault for Azure pipelines #3
Advanced - with cost:
- Uptime SLA #66
- Private AKS cluster + Private ACR + Jumpbox with Azure Private Endpoint #57
- Alternatively: Use Authorized IP addresses with AKS and Azure Service Endpoint with ACR.
- Limit Egress Traffic with Azure Firewall #16
Complementary Azure services to leverage:
- Azure Advisor for AKS
- Azure Security Center for ACR
- Azure Security Center for AKS
- Install Azure CLI
- Install Terraform
- Optional if you would like to leverage Terraform instead of Azure CLI.
- Install Azure ConnectedK8s and KubernetesConfiguration CLI extensions
- Optional if you would like to use Azure Arc enabled Kubernetes.
az login
#az account list -o table
#az account set -s <subscriptionId>
export LOCATION='canadacentral'
export NODES_COUNT=3
export NODE_SIZE='Standard_DS2_v2'
export ZONES=false
randomSuffix=$(shuf -i 1000-9999 -n 1)
export AKS=FIXME$randomSuffix
export K8S_VERSION=$(az aks get-versions \
--query "orchestrators[?isPreview==null].orchestratorVersion | [-1]" \
-o tsv)
cd cli
FYI, current issues/workarounds with Azure CLI:
- az aks create|nodepool add --labels - labels ignored if prefix contains '.'
- Need to manually apply the
k8s label on eachuser
- Need to manually apply the
cd tf
sudo terraform init
terraform plan \
-var aks_name=$AKS \
-var k8s_version=$K8S_VERSION \
-var location=$LOCATION \
-var aks_node_count=$NODES_COUNT \
-var aks_node_size=$NODE_SIZE
terraform apply \
-auto-approve \
-var aks_name=$AKS \
-var k8s_version=$K8S_VERSION \
-var location=$LOCATION \
-var aks_node_count=$NODES_COUNT \
-var aks_node_size=$NODE_SIZE
You need to connect to the Jumpbox VM via the Bastion host and run the commands below:
az login \
--service-principal \
-u FIXME \
-p FIXME \
--tenant-id FIXME
az aks get-credentials \
-g $RG \
-n $RG
- $0.10 per cluster per hour.
- Virtual Machines related to AKS worker nodes
- Estimation: For 2 Node pools X 3 Standard_DS2_v2 Ubuntu worker nodes, ~ $xx USD/month
- To decrease the cost: you may want to leverage Azure Reserved VMs Instances to reduce the cost of your AKS worker nodes
- Managed Disks (related to the AKS's Nodes OS Disk)
- Estimation: ~ $xx USD/month
- Log Analytics Workspace (related to the Azure Monitor for Containers add-on)
- Estimation: For xx GB/month, ~ $xx USD/month
- To decrease the cost: you may want to leverage logs filtering, retention by data type or New capacity-based pricing option.
- Standard Load Balancer
- Estimation: TODO
- To decrease the cost: you may want to leverage Basic Load Balancer instead which is free but you won't be able to use Availability Zones nor VNET Peering features
- Azure Firewall
- Estimation: TODO
- Public IP
- Related to the SLB + FW
- Estimation: TODO
- Bandwidth (related to Availability Zones)
- Estimation: TODO
- Note: you may want to leverage PodAffinity to avoid cross-zones communications with Pods too chatty
- Private Endpoint
- Estimation: For 2 Private Endpoints (AKS + ACR)
- Bastion - TODO
- Regulatory compliance
- Security hardening in AKS virtual machine hosts
- Regularly update to the latest version of Kubernetes
- Audit logging in AKS
- Azure AD PIM
- Azure DDOS Protection
- Azure Front Door - TODO
- Camp Cloud Native, Best Practices in Securing Your Kubernetes Applications
- Attack matrix for Kubernetes
- Detect large-scale cryptocurrency mining attack against Kubernetes clusters
- Trusted Cloud: security, privacy, compliance, resiliency, and IP
- Microsoft Cloud Adoption Framework for Azure
- Azure webinar series - Help Deliver Applications Securely with DevSecOps
- Enterprise security in the era of containers and Kubernetes
- Azure Kubernetes Services: Container Security for a Cloud Native World
- 11 Ways (Not) to Get Hacked
- Tutorial: Bullet-Proof Kubernetes: Learn by Hacking - Luke Bond & Ana-Maria Calin
- Tutorial: Building Security into Kubernetes Deployment Pipelines - Michael Hough & Sam Irvine
- How Spotify Accidentally Deleted All its Kube Clusters with No User Impact
- Introduction to Kubernetes Security with GitOps
- Open Sourcing the Kubernetes Security Audit
- Kubernetes Security book
- Exploiting and protecting containers with a few lines of scripting