This repository contains the course outline for the Namaste JavaScript series (Season 1 & Season 2) by Akshay Saini. Below is the list of topics covered in the course.
S.No. | Topic |
01 | How JavaScript Works π₯ & Execution Context |
02 | How JavaScript Code is Executed? β€οΈ & Call Stack |
03 | Hoisting in JavaScript π₯ (variables & functions) |
04 | How Functions Work in JS β€οΈ & Variable Environment |
05 | SHORTEST JS Program π₯ window & this keyword |
06 | undefined vs not defined in JS π€ |
07 | The Scope Chain π₯ Scope & Lexical Environment |
08 | let & const in JS π₯ Temporal Dead Zone |
09 | BLOCK SCOPE & Shadowing in JS π₯ |
10 | Closures in JS |
11 | setTimeout + Closures Interview Question π₯ |
12 | CRAZY JS INTERVIEW π€― ft. Closures |
13 | FIRST CLASS FUNCTIONS π₯ ft. Anonymous Functions |
14 | Callback Functions in JS ft. Event Listeners π₯ |
15 | Asynchronous JavaScript & EVENT LOOP from Scratch π₯ |
16 | JS Engine EXPOSED π₯ Google's V8 Architecture |
17 | TRUST ISSUES with setTimeout() |
18 | Higher-Order Functions ft. Functional Programming |
19 | map, filter & reduce |
S.No. | Topic |
01 | Callback Hell |
02 | Promises |
03 | Creating a Promise Chaining & Error Handling |
04 | Promise APIs + Interview Questions π₯ |
05 | async await |
06 | this keyword in JavaScript π₯ |
To run the JavaScript files for each topic, make sure to include the relevant script tag in your index.html
file. Here's how you can set it up:
To include and run the JavaScript file for the 13_FIRST_CLASS_FUNCTIONS_π₯_ft. Anonymous_Functions topic, add the following line to your index.html
<script src="13_FIRST_CLASS_FUNCTIONS_π₯_ft. Anonymous_Functions/"></script>
## License
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file for details.
## Acknowledgements
A big thank you to Akshay Saini for creating this insightful course on JavaScript.