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Proof of Concept: 1-D Lipschitz Neural Networks

This script provides an illustration of the constrained deep learning for 1-dimensional Lipschitz continuous networks, along with the robustness guarantees discussed for Lipschitz continuous functions. The example will work through these steps:

  1. Generate a dataset with some sinusoidal additive noise contaminating a monotonic function signal.
  2. Prepare the dataset for custom training loop.
  3. Create a Lipschitz continuous neural network (LNN) architecture.
  4. Train the LNN using a custom training loop and apply projected gradient descent to guarantee the Lipschitz bound.
  5. Train an MLP network without architectural or weight constraints.
  6. Compare the two networks and show robustness is weaker in the unconstrained network and that the Lipschitz bound is met in the LNN.

Generate Data

First, take the monotonic function y=x^3 and uniformly randomly sample this over the interval [-1,1]. Add sinusoidal noise to create a dataset. You can change the number of random samples if you want to experiment.

numSamples = 512;
xTrain = -2*rand(numSamples,1)+1; % [-1 1]
xTrain = sort(xTrain);
tTrain = xTrain.^3 + 0.05*sin(10*xTrain);

Visualize the data.

grid on

Prepare Data

To prepare the data for custom training loops, add the input and response to a minibatchqueue. You can do this by creating arrayDatastore objects and combining these into a single datastore using the combine function. Form the minibatchqueue with this combined datastore object.

xds = arrayDatastore(xTrain);
tds = arrayDatastore(tTrain);
cds = combine(xds,tds);

mbqTrain = minibatchqueue(cds,2,...
    "OutputAsDlarray",[1 1],...

Create 1-D LNN

As discussed in AI Verification: Lipschitz, Lipschitz continuous neural networks adhere to a specific class of neural network architectures with constraints applied to weights. In this proof of concept example, build a simple LNN using fully connected layers and fullsort activations. More expressive Lipschitz continuous networks can be constructed using gradient norm preserving activation functions, such as fullsort. For more information on the architectural construction, see AI Verification: Lipschitz.

inputSize = 1;
numHiddenUnits = [32 16 8 1];
lnnet = buildConstrainedNetwork("lipschitz",inputSize,numHiddenUnits,...
lnnet = 
  dlnetwork with properties:

         Layers: [9x1 nnet.cnn.layer.Layer]
    Connections: [8x2 table]
     Learnables: [8x3 table]
          State: [0x3 table]
     InputNames: {'input'}
    OutputNames: {'fc_4'}
    Initialized: 1

  View summary with summary.

You can view the network architecture in deepNetworkDesigner by setting the viewNetworkDND flag to true. Otherwise, plot the network graph.

viewNetworkDND = false;
if viewNetworkDND
    deepNetworkDesigner(lnnet) %#ok<UNRCH>

Train LNN

First, create a custom training options struct. For the trainLipschitzNetwork function, you can specify general network training hyperparameters: maxEpochs, initialLearnRate, decay, and lossMetric. You can also specify Lipschitz continuous specific hyperparameter options, UpperBoundLipschitzConstant and pNorm. Select the pNorm=2 which gives Euclidean distance as the measure on the input and network output variations. Specify an UpperBoundLipschitzConstant=2 to provides a robustness guarantee on the spikiness of the solution.

maxEpochs = 800;
initialLearnRate = 0.5;
decay = 0.5;
lossMetric = "mse";

% Lipschitz continuous training options
upperBoundLipschitzConstant = 2;
pNorm = 2;

Train the network with these options.

trained_lnnet = trainConstrainedNetwork("lipschitz",lnnet,mbqTrain,...

As the training proceeds, there is a trade-off between the gradient descent and the constraint on the weights. This can lead to training plots that converge more slowly, with regions of increased loss as the constraint on weights outweighs the reduction in loss made by the gradient descent step. This can lead to constrained network generally requiring more epochs to converge, and more carefully tuned hyperparameter selection.

Evaluate the accuracy on the true underlying cubic function from an independent random sampling from the interval [-1,1].

xTest = -2*rand(numSamples,1)+1; % [-1 1]
tTest = xTest.^3;
lossAgainstUnderlyingSignal = computeLoss(trained_lnnet,xTest,tTest,lossMetric)
lossAgainstUnderlyingSignal =

  gpuArray single


Compute an upper bound on the Lipschitz constant for the network to verify this is consistent with the specified bound. You find this is less than or equal to the specified upper bound set in the lipschitzTrainingOptions.

ans = 
  1x1 single gpuArray dlarray


Train Unconstrained MLP

Create a network with the same architecture as the LNN defined previously but train the network without apply the Lipschitz continuity constraints.

mlpnet = lnnet;

Specify the training options to closely resemble those used for the LNN training and then train the network using the trainnet function.

options = trainingOptions("adam",...
trained_mlpnet = trainnet(mbqTrain,mlpnet,lossMetric,options);
    Iteration    Epoch    TimeElapsed    LearnRate    TrainingLoss
    _________    _____    ___________    _________    ____________
            1        1       00:00:00          0.5         0.13416
           50       50       00:00:05         0.45          2765.5
          100      100       00:00:10       0.3645         0.52926
          150      150       00:00:14      0.32805         0.08331
          200      200       00:00:18      0.26572         0.04308
          250      250       00:00:23      0.21523         0.03339
          300      300       00:00:26      0.19371        0.027781
          350      350       00:00:30      0.15691        0.024379
          400      400       00:00:34      0.12709        0.022189
          450      450       00:00:38      0.11438        0.020562
          500      500       00:00:42     0.092651        0.019302
          550      550       00:00:47     0.075047        0.018336
          600      600       00:00:51     0.067543        0.017547
          650      650       00:00:55     0.054709         0.01688
          700      700       00:00:59     0.044315        0.016341
          750      750       00:01:03     0.039883        0.015906
          800      800       00:01:07     0.032305        0.015564
Training stopped: Max epochs completed

Evaluate the accuracy on an independent random sampling from the interval [-1,1].

lossAgainstUnderlyingSignal = computeLoss(trained_mlpnet,xTest,tTest,lossMetric)
lossAgainstUnderlyingSignal = 0.0166

Compute an upper bound on the Lipschitz constant for this unconstrained network. You find this is much larger than the constrained network.

ans = 
  1x1 single dlarray


Network Comparison

Compare the shape of the solution by sampling the training data and plotting this for both networks. You can visibly see the unconstrained solution is not as smooth.

lnnPred = predict(trained_lnnet,xTrain);
mlpPred = predict(trained_mlpnet,xTrain);

hold on
legend("LNN","MLP","Training Data")

Guaranteed Robustness for LNN

As discussed in AI Verification: Lipschitz, Lipschitz continuous neural networks are robust, by definition, in each output with respect to every input. To illustrate the robustness in this example, compute the lower bound for the Lipschitz constant for each network. You will see for the LNN network, this lower bound is always below the specified upper bound, however, for the unconstrained MLP network, there is no such guarantee and the network is evidently less robust against small input perturbations.

In addition, for scalar, 1-dimensional input and output LNNs, the p-norm on the inputs and outputs is the absolute value. For these class of networks, you can therefore compute the 1-, 2- and Inf-norm Lipschitz constants. The smallest of these is still guaranteed to give an upper bound on variations of the output with respect to variations on the input.

oneLipschitzConstant = lipschitzUpperBound(trained_lnnet,1)
oneLipschitzConstant = 
  1x1 single gpuArray dlarray


twoLipschitzConstant = lipschitzUpperBound(trained_lnnet,2)
twoLipschitzConstant = 
  1x1 single gpuArray dlarray


infLipschitzConstant = lipschitzUpperBound(trained_lnnet,Inf)
infLipschitzConstant = 
  1x1 single gpuArray dlarray


lnnPred = predict(trained_lnnet,xTrain);
mlpPred = predict(trained_mlpnet,xTrain);

lnnLowerBoundLipschitz = diff(lnnPred)./diff(xTrain);
mlpLowerBoundLipschitz = diff(mlpPred)./diff(xTrain);

hold on
grid on
title("Ratio of output variation to input variation")

You see that the lower bound for the Lipschitz constant for the LNN, given by the red curve, is always lower than the computed upper bounds, guaranteeing robustness of the LNN up to the values of the upper bound Lipschitz constants. This is not the case for the unconstrained MLP. In principle, given the loose upper bound on the Lipschitz constant for the MLP, there could be large spikes over the [-1,1] interval causing the function to jump for very small changes to the input. You guarantee this is never the case for the LNN since the Lipschitz constant is orders of magnitude smaller, giving this assurance.

Helper Functions

function loss = computeLoss(net,X,T,lossMetric)
Y = predict(net,X);
switch lossMetric
    case "mse"
        loss = mse(Y,T);
    case "mae"
        loss = mean(abs(Y-T));

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