FPGA Project Using Vivado
FPGA Serial Number: xc7a35tcsg324-1
- Francesco Vidaich (University of Padova)
- Stefano Mancone (University of Padova)
- Nicola Dainese (University of Padova)
- Matteo Guida (University of Padova)
The aim of this project is to create a particular FPGA architecture that do various operations. The core components are:
The SPI master, that has to read the first 2 addresses in the flash memory, concatenate them and write them in the first address of the DPRAM.
Square wave generator (implemented in the square wave.vhd) has to produce a square wave given the values of its period and duty cycle. The values of the two states are fixed and equal to −1024 and +1024. These signed values are represented in std logic vector variables to be compatible with the other components. From this generator 1024 samples are picked and written in the DPRAM.
Finite Input Response filter has to read the addresses in the DPRAM written by the square generator, apply to them the fir filter and write the result back into the DPRAM.
Multiplexer that has the task of regulating access to the DPRAM from the square wave generator and the fir filter, since they both have to access to the same addresses of memory. In the Final_report.pdf file you can find a more detailed description and some results.