This project involves the implementation of tree predictors from scratch for binary classification to determine whether mushrooms are poisonous using the Mushroom dataset. The tree predictors use single-feature binary tests as the decision criteria at any internal node.
The node class should possess the following attributes and procedures:
- Constructor: Initializes the node (empty or with given attributes).
- Left and Right Children: Nodes that act as children.
- Leaf Flag: A flag to check if the node is a leaf.
- Decision Criterion/Test: A function taking a data point (e.g., a numpy vector) as input and returning a Boolean value as output.
The tree predictor class should contain the following attributes and procedures:
- Constructor: Initializes the tree predictor (possibly passing information on which decision criteria/tests can be adopted on each feature).
- Splitting Criterion: Selects both the leaf to expand and the decision criterion to adopt in the new internal node (e.g., Gini index, scaled entropy, etc.).
- Stopping Criterion: Halts the construction of the decision tree. Examples include maximum tree depth, maximum number of nodes/leaves, a constraint on the weight of leaves (e.g., number of samples reaching the leaf, entropy/impurity of the leaf), minimum entropy/impurity decrease.
- Training Procedure: Trains the tree predictor on a given training set.
- Evaluation Procedure: Evaluates the tree predictor on a given validation/test set.
Node Class:
- Implement a basic class/structure for the nodes.
- Initialize left and right children nodes.
- Include a flag to check if the node is a leaf.
- Implement the decision criterion/test as a function.
Tree Predictor Class:
- Implement a constructor for the tree predictor.
- Implement a splitting criterion for selecting leaves and decision criteria.
- Implement stopping criteria to halt tree construction.
- Implement procedures for training and evaluating the tree predictor.
- Add extra attributes/procedures if necessary.
Training and Evaluation:
- Train tree predictors adopting at least 3 reasonable criteria for the expansion of the leaves.
- Implement at least 2 reasonable stopping criteria.
- Compute the training error of each tree predictor according to the 0-1 loss.
Hyperparameter Tuning:
- Perform hyperparameter tuning according to the splitting and stopping criteria adopted.
- Use a sound procedure for hyperparameter tuning for at least one tree predictor.
Write a report discussing your findings with a focus on:
- Adopted methodology.
- Thorough discussion about the models’ performance.
- Comments on the presence of over/underfitting.
- Techniques to tackle overfitting, such as pruning the tree predictors or appropriate stopping criteria.