KPIDashboard repository illustrates analytics from sales,expesnses, and margins from a fictional e-commerce retail company. The project has three compenents
- Power BI Dashboard
- Google Analytics Dashboard
- Ruby on Rails Analytics Dashboard
Power Bi Dashboard
Go to PowerBI zip file then click the Download button.
If you do not have the Power BI desktop application you can dowload load it here.
Google Analytics Dashboard
In progress.
Ruby on Rails Dashboard
In progress
Power Bi Dashboard
Once the PowerBI zip file is downloaded navigate your way to PowerBi > Raw Data > Cutsomer Order Data.xlsx. This excel file contains all the data used in the Power BI Dashboard.
To access the Power BI Dashboard go to PowerBi > KPI Dashboard.pbix once the PowerBI zip file is downlowed.
Google Analytics Dashboard
There is no installation required.
Ruby on Rails Dashboard
In progress
Power Bi Dashboard
Google Analytics Dashboard
In progress
Ruby on Rails Dashboard
In progress
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.