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Laravel Atos SIPS Payment

This package makes easily integration with the Atos SIPS payment system, which is widely used by the french banks under different names: Mercanet, E-Transactions, Citelis, Sogenactif etc.

Be aware this package only supports the version 2 of Atos SIPS.

Atos SIPS Official Documentation


1. composer

composer require matthv/laravel-atos-sips-gateway

2. publish

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Matthv\AtosSipsGateway\Providers\AtosSipsServiceProvider"

3. configuration

Most of the values come from the Atos dashboard. You should put the following variables into your .env file :

  • ATOS_TEST : true to use test environment. Defaults to true. provided by Atos dashboard
  • ATOS_MERCHANT_ID : merchant id.
  • ATOS_SECRET_KEY : secret key.
  • ATOS_KEY_VERSION : key version.
  • ATOS_INTERFACE_VERSION : interface version.
  • ATOS_PRODUCTION_URL : bank production url. Defaults to
  • ATOS_TEST_URL : bank test url. Defaults to

You can see all configuration options in config/atos.php.

Example using Mercanet BNP Paribas :


Documentation : First-step - Dashboard-info


1. Prepare the form payment

To make a basic payment, you will need at least 2 information :

  • paymentNumber is used to identify individual transactions. This corresponds to Atos transactionReference.
  • The amount (integer formatted in cents). example 10.50 € => 1050. The default currency is Euro.

This code should be run in a controller. It will return a view which will automatically redirect the customer to the bank website.

return app()->make(AtosSipsAuthorization::class)

You can add Atos SIPS custom fields with the setCustomParameter method.

return app()->make(AtosSipsAuthorization::class)
                    'customerEmail' => '',
                    'customerId' => 123,
                    'orderId' => 456,

2. Return & callback routes

You need to set 2 routes names in config/atos.php, each with post method :

  • customer_return_route_name : allows your users to return to your site whenever the payment is successful or cancelled. Defaults to atos.return.
  • customer_callback_route_name : route called back by the bank on transaction completion. Defaults to atos.callback.

You may need to exclude the routes from your VerifyCsrfToken middleware.

3. Callback transaction handling

This code should be run in controller of the callback route.

$verify = app()->make(Verify::class);
// you can access all callback data using
$allParameters = $verify->getParameters();
// or specify a field using
$paymentNumber = $verify->getParameter('transactionReference');

try {
    $success = $verify->isSuccess();
    if ($success) {
        // handle successful payment
    } else {
        // handle error payment
    echo "OK";
} catch (InvalidSignature $e) {
    Log::alert('Invalid payment signature detected');


This package is licenced under the MIT license


This package is inspired by devpark/laravel-paybox-gateway.