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Easy mixins for sass based on Rupture (stylus).

Add the media.sass to your project and include into your main sass or scss file to start using the convenient mixins.

install via npm: $ npm i sassy-media-queries -D then import in your main SASS/SCSS responsiveness.scss file. @import "(../)node_modules/sassy-media-queries/src/media.scss";

For best practice I recommend including an import of your responsiveness.sscs on each page that requires the use of breakpoints.


Between( start, end )

Sass: +between(1,2)

Scss: @include between(1,2)

For example @include between(2,4) Based on a breakpoint scale of 0, 600px, 768px, 1024px, 1280px this would generate the following media query: (max-width: 1023px) and (min-width: 600px)

from( start )

Sass: +from(1)

Scss: @include from(1)

For example @include from(4) Based on a breakpoint scale of 0, 600px, 768px, 1024px, 1280px this would generate the following media query: (min-width: 1024px)

to( end )

Sass: +to(3)

Scss: @include to(3)

For example @include to(4) Based on a breakpoint scale of 0, 600px, 768px, 1024px, 1280px this would generate the following media query: (max-width: 1023px)

at( start, end )

Sass: +at(1)

Scss: @include at(1)

For example @include from(4) Based on a breakpoint scale of 0, 600px, 768px, 1024px, 1280px this would generate the following media query: (max-width: 599px) and (min-width: 0)


  color: red
    color: blue

    font-size: 12px;

      font-size: 16px;

Override breakpoint definition

Add the following override to your main sass file (root level where you import the mixins):

$media-scale: ( 0, 400px, 768px, 1024px, 1280px)

This will force the mixins to use your definition;

Change log

Version 1.1

*Fixed at mixin and correct bug with $media-scale variable

Version 1.0

First version of mixin definition