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Vir's Unit Test Framework

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Why another test framework?

The test framework was developed inside the Vc repository. The goal was to build a test framework supporting:

  • Minimal / no test registration or setup. Just write the test function and you're good.

  • Simple way to disable compilation of tests, without having to comment out sections of the source file.

  • Simple instantiation of test code with types of a given list.

  • Support for fuzzy compares of floating point results with fine control over the ULP specification.

  • Assertion testing (i.e. verify that assertions fail on violated preconditions).

  • Simple but effective output (no XML, JSON, whatever; outputs a recognizable source location for more effective test driven development)

All the test frameworks I looked at in 2009 (and 2010) did not even come close to supporting the above requirements.

Since I'm now very familiar with this test framework I want to use it in my other projects. The only sensible choice is to release the test framework on its own.


Creating an executable

To write a test executable all you need is to include the test header:

#include <vir/test.h>

This defines a main function, but at this point there are no tests, so it'll pass with the following output:

 Testing done. 0 tests passed. 0 tests failed. 0 tests skipped.

Creating a test function

Simple test functions are created with the TEST macro. Checks inside the test are done with macros. The need for macros is due to the requirement to output the source location on failure. (The macros __FILE__ and __LINE__ only yield the right value when expanded at the location of the test.) You can use the following macros:

  • COMPARE(value, reference) Compares value against reference, requiring the two to be equal. The comparison is done via equality operator, if it is usable. If no equality operator is defined for the type a fallback to memcmp is done. Note that this may yield incorrect failures if the types contain uninitialized padding bits. Also, if the equality operator does not return a boolean, the implementation will try to reduce the result to a boolean via calling all_of(value == reference).

  • COMPARE_TYPES(T1, T2) Test whether T1 and T2 are the same type (including value category). The comparison is done via std::is_same. On failure this test macro prints the typeid name wrapped inside a vir::test::type<T> template, to not lose information about cv- and ref-qualifiers (typeid drops them).

  • FUZZY_COMPARE(value, reference) Verifies that value is equal to reference within a pre-defined distance in units of least precision (ulp). If the test fails it will print the distance in ulp between value and reference as well as the maximum allowed distance. Often this difference is not visible in the value because the conversion of a double/float to a string needs to round the value to a sensible length. The allowed distance can be modified by calling:

    • ulp: Unit of least precision is a unit that is derived from the least significant bit in the mantissa of a floating-point value. Consider a single-precision number (23 mantissa bits) with exponent e. Then 1 ulp is 2ᵉ⁻²³. Thus, log₂(u) signifies the number of incorrect mantissa bits (with u the distance in ulp). If value and reference have a different exponent the meaning of ulp depends on the variable you look at. The FUZZY_COMPARE implementation always uses reference to determine the magnitude of 1 ulp. Example: The value 1.f is 0x3f800000 in binary. The value 1.00000011920928955078125f with binary representation 0x3f800001 therefore has a distance of 1 ulp. A positive distance means the value is larger than the reference. A negative distance means the value is smaller than the reference.

      • FUZZY_COMPARE(1.00000011920928955078125f, 1.f) will show a distance of 1 ulp

      • FUZZY_COMPARE(1.f, 1.00000011920928955078125f) will show a distance of -1 ulp

      The value 0.999999940395355224609375f with binary representation 0x3f7fffff has a smaller exponent than 1.f:

      • FUZZY_COMPARE(0.999999940395355224609375f, 1.f) will show a distance of -0.5 ulp

      • FUZZY_COMPARE(1.f, 0.999999940395355224609375f) will show a distance of 1 ulp

    • Comparing to 0: Distance to 0 is implemented as comparing to std::numeric_limits<T>::min() instead and adding 1 to the resulting distance.

  • COMPARE_ABSOLUTE_ERROR(value, reference, error) As above, but allowing an absoluted difference between value and reference. Verifies that the difference between value and reference is smaller than error. If the test fails, the output will show the actual difference between value and reference. If this value is positive value is too large. If it is negative value is too small.

  • COMPARE_RELATIVE_ERROR(value, reference, error) Verifies that the difference between value and reference is smaller than error * reference. If the test fails, the output will show the actual difference between value and reference. If this value is positive value is too large. If it is negative value is too small. The following example tests that a is no more than 1% different from b:


    If reference is set to 0, this macro compares the difference against error * <smallest positive normalized value of reference type>.

  • MEMCOMPARE(value, reference) Executes a memcmp over the storage bytes of value and reference. The number of bytes compared is determined via sizeof.

  • VERIFY(boolean) Passes if the argument converted to bool is true. Fails otherwise.

  • FAIL() Immediately fails a test.

  • vir::test::SKIP() << "details" Ends the test, marking it as skipped but not failed.

  • vir::test::ADD_PASS() << "details" Counts and prints an additional passed test

  • vir::test::expect_failure() The next COMPARE, VERIFY, etc. is expected to fail. The failure will still end the test, but it will print XFAIL instead of FAIL and will not count as a failed test in the summary.

  • T vir::test::make_value_unknown(const T& x) The value returned from this function will be unknown to the compiler, inhibiting constant propagation optimization passes. This can be important to fully test whether an operation works correctly under all circumstances. Most importantly, some unit tests may compile to nothing (identified as dead code, i.e. code without side effects) if the compiler can infer the result from constant inputs. In such cases it may be important to make test values unknown to the compiler so that runtime behavior is actually tested.

  • NOINLINE(<testable expression>) When a test fails and you want to identify the exact instruction sequence that lead to the failure, then wrapping the expression inside the COMPARE or VERIFY macro with NOINLINE can help you. It places the expression inside a return statement int a lambda which is executed in a function that is guaranteed to not get inlined. Consequently, the instruction pointer printed on failure takes you right after the vir::test::noinline<...> call where the failing test was evaluated.


TEST(test_name) {
  VERIFY(1 > 0);
  COMPARE(1, 1);

  struct A { int x; };
  COMPARE(A(), A());     // implicitly does memcmp
  MEMCOMPARE(A(), A());  // explicitly does memcmp

Creating a test function instantiated from a typelist

TEST_TYPES(T, test_name, (int, float, short)) {
  COMPARE(T(), T(0));

Creating a test function that expects an exception

TEST_CATCH(test_name, std::exception) {
  throw std::exception();

This expects the code to throw an exception of the type specified as second macro argument. If the code does not throw (or throws a different exception), the test is considered failed.

Output additional information on failure

Every compare/verify macro acts as an output stream, usable for printing more information in the failure case. Alternatively, the .on_failure(...) function can be used. Internally, on_failure still uses ostream operators to format the output string.


TEST(test_name) {
  int test = 3;
  COMPARE(test, 2) << "more " << "details";
  VERIFY(1 > 0).on_failure("or ", "like ", "this");


 FAIL: ┍ at tests/testfile.cpp:5 (0x40451f):
 FAIL: │ test (3) == 2 (2) -> false more details
 FAIL: ┕ test_name

 Testing done. 0 tests passed. 1 tests failed.

Default output on failure

Note in the output above it shows:

  1. The name of the test function that failed is at the end (test_name).

  2. The first line points to the source location of the COMPARE macro that failed. In this case it's on line 5 of tests/testfile.cpp

  3. If you want to inspect the disassembly of the test, the failure was located around 0x40451f.

  4. The COMPARE macro compared the expression test, which had value 3, against the expression 2, which had value 2. The result of operator== is false (this can be useful information if operator== returns a non-bool type).

  5. At the end of test executable, a summary of the test results is shown.

Testing assertions

If you have assertions using <cassert>'s assert(cond) macro in your code, you can #include <vir/testassert.h> to replace the standard assert macro with an implementation of the test framework. This enables two features:

  1. If an assertion is triggered from one of the tests, the test framework recognizes it as a test failure and does not call abort like the standard definition of the macro does.

  2. You can test whether pre-condition violations are recognized by the assertions in your code. Wrap the code that violates the pre-condition with vir::test::expect_assert_failure([]() { violate_pre_condition(); }). Now the test fails if the assertion holds.