- This bot is very slow and inefficient, please do not use it
- League of Legends champion build [Usage: /build [lane] [champion]]
- Uses http://lol.lukegreen.xyz/ api to scrape OP.GG data
- Sends top 5 builds for champion in specified lane
- Lanes: [ top | mid | jg | adc | sup ]
- Usage: /build top katarina
- OP.GG Search [Usage: /opgg [region](optional) [name]]
- Sends OP.GG page
- Defaults to Discord username if no name or region specified
- Regions: [ oce | na | las | jp | br | tr | ru | eune | kr | lan | euw ]
- Usage: /opgg kr hide on bush
- Dark Mode [Usage: /darkmode]
- Toggles dark mode (currently used in OP.GG Rune Page)
Create a new file 'secret_token.py' inside a new folder called secret and insert the following code:
# This should be in src/secret/secret_token.py
class token_class():
def get_token(self):
self.token = 'REPLACE WITH TOKEN'
return self.token
Install Requirements with pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Run with python3 bot.py