A Simple Dependency Injection (DI) library for NodeJs. It’s lightweight, zero dependency, written in vanilla JavaScript, designed to inyect. No less, No more.
The Dependency Injection pattern is about separating the instantiation of objects from the actual logic and behavior that they encapsulate. This pattern has many benefits such as:
- Explicit dependencies - all dependencies are passed in as constructor arguments, which makes it easy to understand how particular object depends on the rest of the environment,
- Code reuse - such an object is much easier to reuse in other environments, because it is not coupled to a specific implementation of its dependencies,
- and much easier to test, because testing is essentially about instantiating a single object without the rest of the environment.
npm install sdijs
const sdijs = require('sdijs');
// Initialize a new dijs instance.
const $Inject = new sdijs({
verbose: true
// Function
const useCase = () => true;
// Class
class Entity {
constructor({id, name, email}) {
this.id = id;
this.name = name;
this.email = email;
const CONFIG = {
int: 10,
string: 'foo',
array: [1 ,2 ,3],
db: {
name: 'dev',
url: ''
class ServiceA {
constructor({config, entity}) {
this.config = config;
this.entity = entity;
index() {
return 'index action from ServiceA ' + this.config.int;
class ServiceB {
constructor({config, useCase}) {
this.config = config;
this.useCase = useCase;
index() {
return 'index action from ServiceB ' + this.config.string;
//App.js Class
class App {
constructor({serviceA, serviceB}) {
this.serviceA = serviceA;
this.serviceB = serviceB;
foo() {
return this.serviceA.index();
bar() {
return this.serviceB.index();
$Inject.addSingleton(CONFIG, 'config');
$Inject.addValue(Entity, 'entity');
$Inject.addValue(useCase, 'useCase');
// Resolves the dependency graph.
const app = $Inject.resolve('app');
Terminal output
[S] (class) serviceA -----------> [S] App
[S] (object) config ------------> [S] ServiceA
[T] (class) serviceB -----------> [S] App
[S] (object) config ------------> [T] ServiceB
index action from ServiceA 10
index action from ServiceB foo
There are 3 types of modes available.
TRANSIENT: The registration is resolved every time it is needed. This means if you resolve a class more than once, you will get back a new instance every time.
SINGLETON: The registration is always reused no matter what - that means that the resolved value is cached in the container.
VALUE: Provide the given value as-is.
$Inject.addValue(Entity, 'entity');
Returns a new dijs instance with the given methods.
const sdijs = require('sdijs');
// Initialize a new dijs instance.
const $Inject = new sdijs({
verbose: true
Sets a value in the namespace.
Sets a value in the namespace.
Sets a value in the namespace.
Resolves the dependency graph.
npm tun test
See the LICENSE file for license rights and limitations (MIT).