Dependencies make a lot of sense for a lot of cases, but this is not one of them.
I want a personal site with no dependencies. It's just me. I don't update it very often. I have no intention of scaling this any further than one developer who hates updating dependencies.
It's a front-end playground. Occasional blog ramblings.
HTML, CSS, Javascript.
Maybe someday I'll write a shell script to optimize images, but that day is not today.
I searched for how to get automatic refresh on file changes and found this article:
VS Code has a Live Server extension 🎉 It works great.
I wanted to use a variable font and luckily my favourite font, Josefin Sans, has a "Weight" axis:
It has an SIL Open Font License (full text in the /fonts/Josefin_Sans/OFL.txt
Helpful tips from from Set Studio's blog:
I finally used some sites I've had bookmarked forever:
- (I chose a Golden Ratio scale for desktop)
- (Reduce to Perfect Fourth scale for mobile, set min/max through clamp)
I see magpies everywhere in England. I was lucky to find this lovely icon from Tom through the Noun project:
Then I dropped it into the Favicon Generator because I can never remember exactly what size or format favicons need to be.
I bought my custom domain names from Hover.
Keeping it simple, I decided to use GitHub Pages for hosting.