Cross platform way to run arbitrary commands when files change.
Download one of the prebuilt binaries from the relases page or install it with cargo:
cargo install --git
Download a prebuilt binary from the releases page or follow the compilation steps.
iowatch command
touch /tmp/file.txt
echo /tmp/file.txt | iowatch -p echo "> file changed!"
# in another terminal...
echo 'that is a new line' >> /tmp/file.txt
Note: iowatch has builtin support for .[git]ignore files ;)
For commands that uses builtins, pipes or output redirection that needs to run in a shell, there's a -s
flag that uses the default system shell:
find /tmp -type f -name "/tmp/*.txt" | iowatch -s "echo Hello | rev"
It also watch changes recursively if a directory is provided!
echo "dir/to/watch" | iowatch -R echo '!'
A real world use case for example is the linting of a project with hot reload:
echo "./src" | iowatch -R yarn run lint
Or hot reload of a Go project:
echo $PWD | iowatch -R go run .
Or auto compile a Latex project whenever an important file changes:
find . -type f \( -name "*.tex" -o -name "*.bib" -o -name "*.png" \) | iowatch tectonic paper.tex
cargo build --release
For arch linux users:
makepkg -sif