- Authors: Maurice Quach, Giuseppe Valenzise and Frederic Dufaux
- Affiliation: Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS, CentraleSupélec, Laboratoire des signaux et systèmes, 91190 Gif-sur-Yvette, France
- Funding: ANR ReVeRy national fund (REVERY ANR-17-CE23-0020)
- Links: [Paper]
We provide the full experimental data used for the paper. This includes:
- trained models for all patches
- compressed and decompressed patches, images and point clouds
- objective metrics for each patch and each point cloud
- Python 3.6.9
- TensorFlow 1.15.0 with CUDA 10.0.130, cuDNN 7.4.2 and GCC 7
- BPG codec:
should be available in yourPATH
- MPEG G-PCC codec mpeg-pcc-tmc13: necessary only to compare results with G-PCC,
to obtain more recent versions you need to register on the MPEG Gitlab and request the permissions for
- MPEG metric software v0.12.3 mpeg-pcc-dmetric:
available on the MPEG Gitlab, you need to register and request the permissions for
- MPEG PCC dataset: refer to Common Test Conditions (CTCs) to download the full dataset, you can also get some point clouds from JPEG Pleno.
- packages in
Note 1: using a Linux distribution such as Ubuntu is highly recommended
Note 2: CTCs can be found at wg11.sc29.org in
All Meetings > Latest Meeting > Output documents "Common test conditions for point cloud compression".
For example, "Common test conditions for PCC", in ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11 MPEG output document N19324 is in the Alpbach meeting 130.
Check the following:
- In
, adjust the patching parameters to your convenience (in particularN_PATCHES_DEFAULT
). - In
, adjust the configuration parameters to your environment. - In
, check that the relative paths are correct for your environment. The scripts assume there is a single folder containing all the point clouds. The paths are relative to this folder.
We make use of a CUDA implementation for the Chamfer distance.
As such, it is necessary to compile it using the compile.sh
script and check that the tests run successfully:
cd ops/nn_distance
python nn_distance_test.py
You may have to add -D_GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI=0
in this script on each g++
call depending on your compiler and tensorflow version.
We provide a set of pipelines to make experimentation easier.
These scripts rely on a YAML that contains information on the experiment: 91_expdata_full.yml
for example.
It is also possible to write your own.
Important note : if you wish to reproduce the results of our paper,
we provide the corresponding manual patches in this repository.
To use these patches, copy the folder manual_patches
and use it as your experimental folder.
For example, you can produce results for folding with the manual patches, produce results for G-PCC and compare the two with the following commands:
git clone https://github.com/mauriceqch/pcc_attr_folding.git
cd pcc_attr_folding/src
cp -r ../manual_patches ~/data/experiments/pcc_attr_folding_manual
python 61_run_folding.py 91_expdata_full.yml ~/data/experiments/pcc_attr_folding_manual
python 50_run_mpeg.py 91_expdata_full.yml ¬/data/experiments/gpcc
python 70_run_eval_compare.py 91_expdata_full.yml ~/data/experiments/gpcc/ ~/data/experiments/pcc_attr_folding_manual
To produce results without division into patches:
python 61_run_folding.py 91_expdata_full.yml ~/data/experiments/pcc_attr_folding_single --k 1
python 70_run_eval_compare.py 91_expdata_full.yml ~/data/experiments/gpcc/ ~/data/experiments/pcc_attr_folding_single
Runs the folding pipeline for each point cloud.
python 61_run_folding.py 91_expdata_full.yml ~/data/experiments/pcc_attr_folding
Runs the complete folding pipeline for a point cloud:
- Divides point cloud into k patches
- Fits a grid for each patch
- Evaluates compression for each patch
- Merge the patches and compression results.
For example, to run the pipeline while divinding the point cloud into 4 patches:
python 60_folding_pipeline.py loot.ply loot/ --k 4
We provide a script to run MPEG G-PCC experiments.
python 50_run_mpeg.py 91_expdata_full.yml gpcc
To compare evaluation results between GPCC and our method.
python 70_run_eval_compare.py 91_expdata_full.yml ~/data/experiments/gpcc/ ~/data/experiments/pcc_attr_folding/
Also, to compare with two versions of GPCC as in the paper.
python 72_run_eval_compare_two.py 91_expdata_full.yml ~/data/experiments/gpcc/ ~/data/experiments/gpcc-v3/ ~/data/experiments/pcc_attr_folding
├── manual_patches [Data] Manual patches used in the paper
├── requirements.txt Package requirements
└── src
├── 10_pc_to_patch.py [Preprocess] Divide a point cloud into patches
├── 11_train.py [Train] Fold a grid onto a point cloud and save the obtained network
├── 12_merge_ply.py [Preprocess] Merge point cloud patches into a single point cloud
├── 20_gen_folding.py [Inference] Generate a folded grid with a trained network
├── 21_eval_folding.py [Eval] Refine, optimize, compress and evaluate a folded grid
├── 22_merge_eval.py [Eval] Merge evaluation results at different QPs
├── 23_eval_merged.py [Eval] Evaluates a merged point cloud compared to the original
├── 50_run_mpeg.py [MPEG] Runs G-PCC on all point clouds
├── 51_gen_report.py [MPEG] Parse files in a G-PCC result folder and generate a JSON report
├── 60_folding_pipeline.py [Folding] Runs the full folding pipeline (patches, folding, compress, eval)
├── 61_run_folding.py [Folding] Runs the full folding pipeline for all point clouds
├── 70_run_eval_compare.py [Eval] Compare results for all point clouds with G-PCC
├── 71_eval_compare.py [Eval] Compare results with G-PCC
├── 72_run_eval_compare_two.py [Eval] Compare results for all point clouds with two G-PCC result folders for all point clouds
├── 73_eval_compare_two.py [Eval] Compare results with two G-PCC result folders
├── 80_input.py [Model] Input pipeline for the network
├── 80_model.py [Model] Model for the network
├── 90_run_tests.py Run tests
├── 91_ds_expdata.py [Utils] Downsample all point clouds
├── 91_expdata_full.yml [Config] Experimental data, list of point clouds considered
├── 98_highlight_borders.py [Utils] Highlight borders on a folded grid (debugging)
├── 994_pc_curvature.py [Utils] Compute point cloud curvature (debugging)
├── 99_pc_to_vg.py [Utils] Voxelize a point cloud
├── 99_pc_to_vg_batch.py [Utils] Voxelize multiple point clouds
├── ops Chamfer distance files
└── utils
├── adj.py Folded grid refinement
├── bd.py BD-RATE/BD-PSNR
├── bpg.py BPG compression (BPG is a image compression codec based on HEVC intra)
├── color_mapping.py Color mapping, used for transferring colors from the grid to the point cloud and vice-versa
├── color_space.py Color space conversion
├── curvature.py Curvature computation
├── generators.py Generators for data pipelines
├── grid.py Grid manipulation
├── mpeg_parsing.py MPEG log files parsing
├── parallel_process.py Parallel processing
├── pc_io.py Point Cloud Input/Output
└── quality_eval.py Point Cloud color distortion metrics
It is possible to use the scripts individually instead of using the pipelines. We provide some usage examples below.
python 10_pc_to_patch.py loot.ply loot_patches/ --k 9
python 11_train.py loot.ply loot_model/ --max_steps 2000 --model 80_model --input_pipeline 80_input --grid_steps 64,128,1
python 12_merge_ply.py loot_patches/*.ply loot_merged.ply
python 20_gen_folding.py loot.ply loot_results/ loot_model/ --model 80_model --input_pipeline 80_input --grid_steps auto
python 21_eval_folding.py loot_results/
python 23_eval_merged.py loot.ply loot_results/refined_opt_qp_20/loot_remap.ply
python 29_eval_compare.py gpcc/octree-predlift/lossless-geom-lossy-attrs/Egyptian_mask_vox12 ./test_egypt/merged/
Create a downsampled version of experimental data for a given setup.
This only works for point cloud with voxXX
in their name such as longdress_vox10_1200
python 91_ds_expdata.py 91_expdata_full.yml 8
Given a folded point cloud, highlights the borders of the grid on the point cloud.
python 98_highlight_borders.py carpet_folded.ply carpet_folded_with_borders.ply
Given a pattern, downsample all matching point clouds.
python 99_pc_to_vg_batch.py "pcs_vox10/**/*.ply" pcs_vox_08 --vg_size 256
author = {Maurice Quach and
Giuseppe Valenzise and
Fr{\'{e}}d{\'{e}}ric Dufaux},
title = {Folding-based compression of point cloud attributes},
journal = {CoRR},
volume = {abs/2002.04439},
year = {2020},
url = {https://arxiv.org/abs/2002.04439},
archivePrefix = {arXiv},
eprint = {2002.04439},
timestamp = {Wed, 12 Feb 2020 16:38:55 +0100},
biburl = {https://dblp.org/rec/journals/corr/abs-2002-04439.bib},
bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography, https://dblp.org}