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Sonarqube Test Logger

Sonarqube xml report extension for Visual Studio Test Platform.

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Logger Stable Package
Sonarqube NuGet Version


The Sonarqube Test Logger generates xml reports in the Generic test execution report format.

To use the logger, follow these steps:

  1. Add a reference to the Sonarqube Test Logger nuget package in test project

    dotnet add package Maurosoft.SonarqubeTestLogger
  2. Use the following command line in tests

    dotnet test --logger:sonarqube
  3. Test results are generated in the TestResults directory relative to the test.csproj. The default report name is SonarqubeReportTest.xml

A path for the report file can be specified as follows:

dotnet test --logger:"sonarqube;LogFilePath=test-result.xml"

test-result.xml will be generated in the same directory as test.csproj.

Note: the arguments to --logger should be in quotes since ; is treated as a command delimiter in shell.

Logger Configuration

  • LogFileName: Use LogFileName to specify the name of the output log file. The file will be created in the default results directory (TestResults) relative to test project.

    # Assume we have this directory structure of tests
    > tree
    │ TestProject1.sln
    ├── TestProject1
    │   ├── UnitTest1.cs
    │   └── TestProject1.csproj
    > dotnet test --logger:"sonarqube;LogFileName=mytestfile.xml"
    # Note the output file
    > tree
    │ TestProject1.sln
    ├── TestProject1
    │   ├── TestResults
    │   │   ├── mytestfile.xml    # test result file
    │   ├── UnitTest1.cs
    │   └── TestProject1.csproj
  • LogFilePath: Use this option to provide an absolute path for the result file. The parent directory will be created if it doesn't exist.

    # Assume we have this directory structure of tests
    > tree
    │ TestProject1.sln
    ├── TestProject1
    │   ├── UnitTest1.cs
    │   └── TestProject1.csproj
    > dotnet test --logger:"sonarqube;LogFilePath=mytestfile.xml"
    # Note the output file
    > tree
    │ TestProject1.sln
    ├── TestProject1
    │   ├── mytestfile.xml    # test result file
    │   ├── UnitTest1.cs
    │   └── TestProject1.csproj
  • Verbose: If true, log message to console

    # Assume we have this directory structure of tests
    > tree
    │ TestProject1.sln
    ├── TestProject1
    │   ├── UnitTest1.cs
    │   └── TestProject1.csproj
    > dotnet test --logger:"sonarqube;Verbose=true"
    The output on console:
    sonarqube - Start
    sonarqube - LogFileName      ->
    sonarqube - LogFilePath      -> mytestfile.xml
    sonarqube - TestRunDirectory -> C:\Users\Test\source\repos\TestProject1\TestProject1\TestResults
    sonarqube - PathSourcesTest: -> C:\Users\Test\source\repos\TestProject1\TestProject1
    sonarqube - Found Test with Namespace -> TestProject1, ClassName -> Class1, MethodName -> TestMethod1 from TestResults
    sonarqube - Found Test with Namespace -> TestProject1, ClassName -> Class1, MethodName -> TestMethod2 from TestResults
    sonarqube - Search test with namespace:TestProject1, classname:Class1, methodname: Test1 from source file -> C:\Users\Test\source\repos\TestProject1\TestProject1\Class1.cs
    sonarqube - Found Namespace TestProject1 into file C:\Users\Test\source\repos\TestProject1\TestProject1\Class1.cs at line 7
    sonarqube - Found Class Class1 into file C:\Users\Test\source\repos\TestProject1\TestProject1\Class1.cs at line 10
    sonarqube - Found Method TestMethod1 into file C:\Users\Test\source\repos\TestProject1\TestProject2\Class1.cs at line 13
    sonarqube - End
    # Note the output file
    > tree
    │ TestProject1.sln
    ├── TestProject1
    │   ├── TestResults
    │   │   ├── mytestfile.xml    # test result file
    │   ├── UnitTest1.cs
    │   └── TestProject1.csproj




Sonarqube test logger for vstest platform







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