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Bruno Heridet edited this page Jun 27, 2017 · 27 revisions



Syntax highlighting is supported through highlighters. You may add your own Syntax definitions in the rc directory. There is a syntax highlighting section in the highlighters.asciidoc file.


column, line

# same ideas apply to `line`
addhl column 4 red           # all chars in column 4 will be have a red color
addhl column 5 red,blue+b    # all chars in column 5 will be red on blue and in bold
addhl column 6 PrimaryCursor # all chars in column 6 will be the same face than `PrimaryCursor` (see below)


decl range-specs foo '1:3.1,3.4|red' # declare an option called foo, of type range-specs
addhl ranges foo                     # use this option as the parameter
set buffer foo '2:3.1,3.10|blue'     # update the option to trigger changes

Volatile highlighting

Highlight on yank, delete, change and paste commands. The highlight disappears at the next command. The highlighting gives useful visual feedback for what your operation actually changed in the buffer.

face volatile +bi

hook global NormalKey [ydcpP] %{ try %{
  add-highlighter dynregex \Q%reg{"}\E 0:volatile

hook global NormalKey [^ydcpP] %{ try %{
  remove-highlighter dynregex_\Q%reg{"}\E


Search highlighting

First add a search face. Here, it will emphasis the searched word in bold and italic without changing the foreground or background colors:

face search +bi

Then enable search highlighting. Dynregex is plugged on the content of the search register /:

add-highlighter dynregex '%reg{/}' 0:search

Smart search highlighting

Enable search highlighting in context of search.

hook global NormalKey [/?*nN]|<a-[/?*nN]> %{ try %{
  add-highlighter dynregex '%reg{/}' 0:search

hook global NormalKey <esc> %{ try %{
  remove-highlighter dynregex_%reg{<slash>}

Now you can press Escape to disable search highlighting.

Search highlighting is re-enabled when you are searching.




Faces can be taken from the colorscheme files, which is what is usually done, or directly from the the list of default faces:

Name, Foreground, Background

  • Default, Default, Default,
  • PrimarySelection, White, Blue,
  • SecondarySelection, Black, Blue,
  • PrimaryCursor, Black, White,
  • SecondaryCursor, Black, White,
  • LineNumbers, Default, Default,
  • LineNumberCursor, Default, Default, Reverse,
  • MenuForeground, White, Blue,
  • MenuBackground, Blue, White,
  • MenuInfo, Cyan, Default,
  • Information, Black, Yellow,
  • Error, Black, Red,
  • StatusLine, Cyan, Default,
  • StatusLineMode, Yellow, Default,
  • StatusLineInfo, Blue, Default,
  • StatusLineValue, Green, Default,
  • StatusCursor, Black, Cyan,
  • Prompt, Yellow, Default,
  • MatchingChar, Default, Default, Bold,
  • BufferPadding, Blue, Default,
  • Whitespace, Default, Default,
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