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Construction of Proofs of Immunity for the Post Pandemic Tribes through trustworthy, transparent identity


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TribeNet Immunity Passport Platform


  • Privacy Preserving Immunity Passport through Zero Knowledge
  • Scalable Immunity Data Acquisition through Chainlink Oracle
  • Empathy Centric End User Engagement through Experience Design
  • ERC-20 Tokens for the Immunity Passport Tokenisation
  • Chainlink Verifiable Random Functions for the Immunity Indexing
  • Chainlink Oracles for the Immunity Data Collection
  • Immunity Proof Construction through Iden3 Circom Compilers
  • Immunity Proof Verification through Iden3 SnarkJS Library
  • Immunity Proof Smart Contracts through zk-SNARK Smart Contracts
  • Immunity Decentralised Autonomous Organisation as a RANDAO
  • Immunity Passport Proof Indexing through Chainlink VRF
  • Immunity Passport Registration through Proof of Authority Consensus
  • Immunity Passport Token Sharing through Proof of Stake Consensus


  • Immunity Passport Data Collection from Chainlink Oracle Contracts through integration with the data feeds.
  • Immunity Proof Construction in a Privacy Preserving Methods using ZKP based from Oracle Data Contracts
  • Immunity Proofs & Oracle Data based ERC-20 Tribe Tokens and DAO for the Immunity Passport Governance
  • Immunity Tokens Governed by Decentralised Autonomous Organisations (DAO) built using Chainlink VRF
  • Immunity Proof and Oracle Indexed DAO is Governed through the the proof of authority consensus
  • Immunity Token Distribution through the proof of stake consensus to securely stake rewards and benefits
