The project is dedicated to neural networks compression. A convolutional network for classification of faces by gender is used as an example. You can get Celeba dataset for experiments here.
There are considered 3 cases:
- initial - a convolutional network (2 Conv + 4 Dense);
- cut - initial version without dense layers with both dimensionalities
> 1
(2 Conv + 1 Dense); - compressed - initial version where dense layers with both dimensionalities
> 1
are compressed (2 Conv + 3 compressed Dense + 1 Dense).
In oreder to build initial or cut version, you can use according functions for their construction from classifier/tf/
. To get compressed model, you should first train initial, save it and use classifier/tf/Compress.ipynb
for compression.
Use classifier/tf/Train.ipynb
. Don't forget to specify necessary paths to downloaded Celeba dataset. Once you trained the model and saved it, you can use classifier/tf/
script in order to get the model in .tflite
On PC you can do it with classifier/tf/Test.ipynb
. For devices see instructions below.
Build in Android Studio and install on your device the application in android-app/
project. Put your trained model to assets/
In order to measure accuracy on the phone, it has to be connected via adb
(type $ adb devices
to ensure that the connection is established).
Then we need to make a simple server for taking test images from PC. We can use Python for that:
from http.server import SimpleHTTPRequestHandler, HTTPServer
def run(name, port):
server_address = (name, port)
httpd = HTTPServer(server_address, SimpleHTTPRequestHandler)
if __name__ == "__main__":
run('', 8000)
Run the server in the same directory as img_align_celeba/
(the directory with Celeba images). In order to allow the phone to access the server, type:
$ adb reverse tcp:8000 tcp:8000
Finally, press START
button in the application. After the process is complete, you can find a celeba_test.csv
file with resutls in the phone's Document/
Connect to Raspberry Pi via ssh.
Upgrade pip and install TensorFlow and Keras.
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install tensorflow
pip install keras
For testing model run
. In this file you should specify a path to dataset and saved model and choose a name of output csv-file.
For getting results run
. In this file you should specify a path to csv-file mentioned above and to list_attr_celeba.csv
This script prints ROC AUC score of the model, mean of classification time and standard deviation of this time.