gin middleware - an OIDC client for a relying party web server
//middleware params
initParams := gin_oidc.InitParams{
Router: router,
ClientId: "xx-xxx-xxx",
ClientSecret: "xx-xxx-xxx",
Issuer: "", //add '.well-known/openid-configuration' to see it's a good link
ClientUrl: "http://example.domain/", //your website's url
Scopes: ["openid"],
ErrorHandler: func(c *gin.Context) {
//gin_oidc pushes a new error before any "ErrorHandler" invocation
message := c.Errors.Last().Error()
//redirect to ErrorEndpoint with error message
redirectToErrorPage(c, "http://example2.domain/error", message)
//when "ErrorHandler" ends "c.Abort()" is invoked - no further handlers will be invoked
PostLogoutUrl: "http://example2.domain/",
//protect all endpoint below this line
//or protect a single endpoint
protectMiddleware := gin_oidc.Init(initParams)
router.GET("/protectedEndpoint", protectMiddleware, protectedEndpointHandler)
If you have any questions feel free to open an issue.