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Documentation SmartCalc

Build & Run:

$ cd src
$ make run

Main Calculator

Smart calculator - divided into three blocks. This calculator - calculates arithmetic and binary operations with numbers, graph builder - builds a graph according to a given expression, credit calculator - has two types of credit: annuity, differentiated.


All buttons of the screen are active.The calculation of the expression you entered is done by pressing the "=" button.When you enter x and press =, a dialog box will appear and ask you to drive the number to replace x.


Operator name Operator Description Example
Bracket ( ) Takes the expression in brackets x - (y * z)
Plus + Addition of two operands x + y
Minus - The difference of two operands x - y
Multiplication * Product of two operands x * y
Division / Division of two operands x / y
Exponentiation ^ Exponentiation x ^ y
Remainder of division mod Remainder of division x mod y
Unary minus - Unary minus -x
Unary plus + Unary plus +a


Function Description
cos(x) Computes cosine
sin(x) Computes sine
tan(x) Computes tangent
acos(x) Computes arc cosine
asin(x) Computes arc sine
atan(x) Computes arc tangent
sqrt(x) Computes square root
ln(x) Computes natural logarithm
log(x) Computes common logarithm

Credit Calculator

Loan Calculator - calculates your loan. It has two types of credit: annuity, differentiated.


At the entrance there are three parameters: the loan amount, term for which the loan is taken (in months), the interest rate, in accordance with these parameters and depending on the type of credit you selected, your repayment plan will be calculated.