this now lives here
I'm going to leave this repo here as its a tidy boilerplate node server
Boilerplate Node.js App using the Gigya accountJS Raas service. This project is intended to be used as a starting point for anyone working with the gigya platform on node.js
Support: raise an issue on github
- babel es2015 and stage-0
- mocha unit tests
- webdriverio integration e2e tests using chimp
- direnv directory based environment variables (so you do not need to install global node modules)
- circle ci YAML file (but it does not work and i'm not that impressed by circle ci so i'll likely replace it with another CI such as travis)
The blow steps are for OSX, but you could replace brew with yum
or apt-get
and it should still work.
Windows user: your on your own with how to install but you still need the below installed
brew install node
brew install direnv
npm install
direnv allow
npm run dev
This boots the app runs the unit and e2e tests. Then uses nodemon to wait for changes. When a change happens the node server is rebooted and the tests are run again
mocha --watch
and similar has an issue. To run the server on test you need to add an import to the test.js file. When watching this cause a EDDRINUSE error (the server is already booted). running the stack with nodemon avoids this
npm run build
npm start