Example application how to use a single Ecto Repo that supports multiple DB engines.
- uses MaxoAdapt for dynamic DB adapter switching + great dev experience
- seamless runtime switching between DB engines possible, while still using the same main Repo module
- support for database-specific migrations, when needed
- migrations for all databases are kept together, to simplify code reuse as much as possible
- same ExUnit tests can be run for different DB engines via ENV variable switch
- Mix Ecto commands work as usual
Please start postgres / mysql with the included docker-compose file!
$ docker compose up
Now try the Elixir app without any options:
$ iex -S mix
** (Mix) Could not start application allin: exited in: Allin.Application.start(:normal, [])
** (EXIT) an exception was raised:
** (RuntimeError) PLEASE PROVIDE `DBTYPE` ENV variable - psql / mysql / sqlite!
(allin 0.1.0) lib/allin/setup.ex:13: Allin.Setup.assert_correct_db_type!/0
(allin 0.1.0) lib/allin/setup.ex:18: Allin.Setup.setup_repo!/0
(allin 0.1.0) lib/allin/application.ex:8: Allin.Application.start/2
(kernel 8.5.3) application_master.erl:293: :application_master.start_it_old/4
It fails, because we did not provide the desired DB type to be configured. Let's do it now:
$ DBTYPE=sqlite iex -S mix
iex(1)> Allin.Repo.query("select 2 + 2")
command: :execute,
columns: ["2 + 2"],
rows: [[4]],
num_rows: 1
With MySQL:
$ DBTYPE=mysql iex -S mix
iex(1)> Allin.Repo.query("select 2 + 2")
columns: ["2 + 2"],
connection_id: 109,
last_insert_id: nil,
num_rows: 1,
rows: [[4]],
num_warnings: 0
And with Postgres
$ DBTYPE=psql iex -S mix
iex(1)> Allin.Repo.query("select 2 + 2")
command: :select,
columns: ["?column?"],
rows: [[4]],
num_rows: 1,
connection_id: 779,
messages: []
Enjoy! 💜
single module to contain most of the logic for (re-) configuration of repos
- used in mix tasks to start the rep
- used in config/runtime.exs to configure the
list dynamically - is also ran on any live re-configuration of the repo
- used in config/runtime.exs to configure the
- runtime switching to MySQL DB
- runtime switching to Postgres DB
- runtime switching to Sqlite DB
- dynamic supervisor for repositories
- allows clean switching between different DB-specific adapter repos
- starting and stopping them accordingly
mix app.config (used in mix.exs / aliases)
- needed to make config/runtime.exs work with Repo config for Mix tasks
- https://elixirforum.com/t/config-runtime-exs-not-loaded-on-mix-tasks/38034