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Prefix-Free Parsing Compressed Suffix Tree

Compressed suffix tree described in [1], built on the prefix-free parsing of the text [2][3].

If you use the PFP-CST in your research, please cite:

Christina Boucher, Ondřej Cvacho, Travis Gagie, Jan Holub, Giovanni Manzini, Gonzalo Navarro, and Massimiliano Rossi . "PFP Compressed Suffix Tree", In Proc. of the SIAM Symposium onAlgorithm Engineering and Experiments (ALENEX21), pp. 60-72. (2021).

BibTeX here


Building the CST

To build the CST you can use the pfp-cst pipeline as follows.

usage: pfp-cst [-h] [-w WSIZE] [-p MOD] [-t T] [-k] [-v] [-f] [-m]
               [--build-only] [--parsing] [--compress] [--version]

positional arguments:
  input                 input file name

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -w WSIZE, --wsize WSIZE
                        sliding window size (def. 10)
  -p MOD, --mod MOD     hash modulus (def. 100)
  -t T                  number of helper threads (def. None)
  -k                    keep temporary files
  -v                    verbose
  -f                    read fasta
  -m                    print memory usage
  --build-only          build the data structure without storing it (debug only)
  --parsing             stop after the parsing phase (debug only)
  --compress            compress output of the parsing phase (debug only)
  --version             show program's version number and exit

Once built, the pfp_cst will be stored on disk.

Integrating pfp_cst in your code

The best way to use the pfp-cst in your code is tointegrate it using CMake.


## Add pfp-cst
if(NOT pfp_cst_POPULATED)
  add_subdirectory(${pfp_cst_SOURCE_DIR} ${pfp_cst_BINARY_DIR})

Which esposes the pfp_cst target library that can be linked to the example cst_app.

add_executable(cst_app cst_app.cpp)
target_link_libraries(cst_app pfp_cst)

In your executable you can load the pfp-cst data structure built before and use it.

    #include <pfp_cst.hpp>
    pf_parsing<> pf;
    string filename = "path_to_file" + pf.filesuffix();
    sdsl::load_from_file(pf, filename);
    pfp_cst<> cst(pf);

Now you can use all the CST queries from the cst variable.


    typedef pfp_cst<>::node_t node_t;
    // The root of the suffix tree
    node_t root()
    // The number of leaves of the suffix tree
    size_t size()
    // The the i-th leaf of the suffix tree (1-based from left to right). 
    node_t select_leaf(size_t i)
    // The suffix position i if v is the leaf of suffix S[i..n]
    size_t locate(node_t vl)
    // True iff v is an ancestor of w
    bool ancestor(node_t v, node_t w)
    // The length of s(v).
    size_t s_depth(node_t v)
    // The number of leaves in the subtree rooted atv.
    size_t count(node_t v)
    // The parent node of v.
    node_t parent(node_t v)
    // The alphabetically first child of v. 
    node_t f_child(node_t v)
    // The alphabetically next sibling of v.
    node_t n_sibling(node_t v)
    // The suffix link of v, i.e., the node w s.t. s(v) = a\cdot s(w) for a symbol a.
    node_t slink(node_t v)
    //The suffix link of v iterated i times. 
    node_t slink(node_t v, size_t i)
    // The lowest common ancestor of v and w.
    node_t lca(node_t v, node_t w)
    // The node w s.t. the first letter on edge (v, w) is a. Retrn root if no child with letter a exists.
    node_t child(node_t v, uint8_t a)
    // The letter s(v)[i].
    uint8_t letter(node_t v, size_t i)
    // Level ancestor query, i.e., the highest ancestor w of v with \textsc{SDepth}(w) \ge d.
    node_t laq(node_t v, size_t d)
    // All children of v.
    std::vector<node_t> children(node_t v)
    // Node depth of v.
    size_t node_depth(node_t v)
    // The i-th child w of v. Retrn root if no child exists.
    node_t select_child(node_t v, size_t i)
    // Return the largest i'<i such that LCP[i'] < h.
    std::pair<bool, size_t> prev(size_t i, size_t h)
    // Return the smallest i'>i such that LCP[i'] < h.
    std::pair<bool, size_t> next(size_t i, size_t h)
    // The suffix array 
    size_t sa(size_t i)
    // Longest common extension between the i-th and j-th suffix in the text. (0-based)
    size_t lce(size_t i, size_t j)
    // The LCP array
    size_t lcp(size_t i)
    // ψ(p) = ISA[SA[p] + 1 modn]
    size_t psi(size_t p)
    // ψ^i(p) = ISA[SA[p] + 1 modn]
    size_t psi(size_t p, size_t i)
    // The inverse suffix array
    size_t isa(size_t i)
    // Rando access to the text (0-based)
    uint8_t char_at(size_t i) const

Project Mockup




git clone


mkdir build
cd build; 
cmake ..


make install

This command will install the binaries to the default install location (e.g., /usr/local/bin for Ubuntu users). If the user wants the binary in some other custom location, this can be done using cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PERFIX=<dest> .. instead of cmake .. in the compile sequence of commands, where <dest> is the preferred destination directory.


./pfp-cst ../data/yeast.fasta -f

External resources


Please, if you use this tool in an academic setting cite the following paper:

author    = {Christina Boucher and
                Ondřej Cvacho and
                Travis Gagie and
                Jan Holub and
                Giovanni Manzini and
                Gonzalo Navarro and
                Massimiliano Rossi},
editor    = {Martin Farach-Colton and
            Sabine Storandt},
title     = {{PFP Compressed Suffix Trees}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the Symposium on Algorithm Engineering and Experiments,
            {ALENEX} 2021, Alexandria, VA, USA, January 10-11, 2020},
publisher = {{SIAM}},
year      = {2021},
pages     = {60--72}

Previous axVix version:

author    = {Christina Boucher and
            Ondřej Cvacho and
            Travis Gagie and
            Jan Holub and
            Giovanni Manzini and
            Gonzalo Navarro and
            Massimiliano Rossi},
title     = {PFP Data Structures},
journal   = {CoRR},
volume    = {abs/2006.11687},
year      = {2020},
url       = {},
archivePrefix = {arXiv},
eprint    = {2006.11687},


Theoretical results:

  • Christina Boucher
  • Travis Gagie
  • Jan Holub
  • Giovanni Manzini
  • Gonzalo Navarro



[1] Christina Boucher, Ondřej Cvacho, Travis Gagie, Jan Holub, Giovanni Manzini, Gonzalo Navarro, and Massimiliano Rossi . "PFP Compressed Suffix Tree", In Proc. of the SIAM Symposium onAlgorithm Engineering and Experiments (ALENEX21), pp. 60-72. (2021).

[2] Christina Boucher, Travis Gagie, Alan Kuhnle and Giovanni Manzini, "Prefix-Free Parsing for Building Big BWTs", In Proc. of the 18th International Workshop on Algorithms in Bioinformatics (WABI 2018).

[3] Christina Boucher, Travis Gagie, Alan Kuhnle, Ben Langmead, Giovanni Manzini, and Taher Mun. "Prefix-free parsing for building big BWTs.", Algorithms for Molecular Biology 14, no. 1 (2019): 13.