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Releases: maxtepkeev/python-redmine


31 Mar 14:58
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  • Requests version required >= 2.31.0

New Features:


  • Migrated CI to GitHub Actions, also we now test not only on Linux, but on macOS and Windows as well
  • dir(resource) and list(resource) now also show properties of an object
  • Support for issues_assigned and issues_authored relations in User object (Issue #317)
  • Original filename will be used as a filename for all uploaded files if a path was provided and filename wasn't set
  • Pro Edition: Added support for RedmineUP Contact avatar add/update operations (see docs for details)
  • Pro Edition: Added support for RedmineUP DealCategory create(), update(), delete() operations (see docs for details)
  • Pro Edition: RedmineUP CrmQuery resource now supports invoices and expenses relation attributes
  • PerformanceWarning will be issued when Python-Redmine does some unnecessary redirects before the actual
    request is made


  • Backwards Incompatible: API key is now being sent in the X-Redmine-API-Key header instead of the key GET parameter which makes things more secure in case of a failed connection, but it might created issues for servers that don't do custom request header forwarding by default, so be sure to check your web server before upgrading (Issue #328 and Issue #330) (thanks to Tom Misilo and Ricardo Branco)
  • Backwards Incompatible: User all operation now really returns all users, i.e. not only active, but locked, registered and anonymous as well instead of only returning just active users in previous versions due to the respect to Redmine's standard behaviour (Issue #327)


  • Tests were failing on Windows OS
  • Tests were failing on Python 3.12 (Issue #332) (thanks to Michał Górny)
  • Some closed Issues weren't converted to Resource objects using
  • Pro Edition: RedmineUP Invoice resource order attribute was returned as a dict instead of being converted to Resource object
  • Pro Edition: RedmineUP CrmQuery resource deals and contacts relation attributes didn't work
  • Pro Edition: RedmineUP DealStatus resource deals relation attribute didn't work


  • Mentioned support for author_id in Issue's resource filter operation


17 Jan 21:24
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  • Requests version required >= 2.28.2
  • Removed Python 2.7, 3.5, 3.6 support as it's not supported by Requests anymore
  • Removed support for python test as it became deprecated by setuptools

New Features:


  • Added support for Python 3.10, 3.11 and latest PyPy
  • Added support for allowed_statuses to include param and on demand includes for Issue resource (requires Redmine >= 5.0.0)
  • Added support for issue_custom_fields to include param and on demand includes for Project resource (requires Redmine >= 4.2.0)
  • Added support for comments and attachments to include param and on demand includes for News resource (requires Redmine >= 4.1.0)
  • Pro Edition: Added support for RedmineUP Contact projects to include param and on demand includes for all() and filter() operations
  • Pro Edition: Added support for RedmineUP Note create(), update(), delete() operations (see docs for details)
  • Added support for Project close(), reopen(), archive(), unarchive() operations (see docs for details, requires Redmine >= 5.0.0)
  • Added support for updating and deleting issue journals (see docs for details, requires Redmine >= 5.0.0)


  • Backwards Incompatible: Switched to pytest instead of nose as nose project is dead (Issue #312)
  • Backwards Incompatible: Removed usage of distutils.LooseVersion internally since it became deprecated and caused warnings, because of that all version info internally is now being represented as tuples and not strings as before


  • Stop raising ResourceAttrError for attributes that actually exist, but their value is None (Issue #261)
  • Pro Edition: RedmineUP Deal resource related_contacts attribute was returned as a list instead of being converted to ResourceSet object
  • Project resource default_assignee attribute was returned as a dict instead of being converted to Resource object
  • Project resource time_entry_activities attribute was returned as a list instead of being converted to ResourceSet object


  • Document requirement of project_id param for query_id filter (Issue #285) (thanks to Doezer)
  • Mentioned support for user_id in TimeEntry's resource create/update (Issue #298)
  • Mentioned support for additional scopes for Search API


21 May 14:01
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  • Support custom filename in redmine.upload()
  • Support for get() and update() operations for /my/account endpoint which doesn't require admin privileges by using me as an id, i.e. redmine.user.get('me') or redmine.user.update('me', firstname='John') (requires Redmine >= 4.1.0)
  • News create(), update(), delete() operations support (requires Redmine >= 4.1.0)
  • ResourceSet's export() method now supports columns keyword argument which can be either an iterable of column names, an "all" string which tells Python-Redmine to export all available columns, "all_gui" string for GUI like behaviour or iterable of elements with "all_gui" string and additional columns to export
  • Added support for special characters in WikiPage titles (Issue #222) (thanks to Radek Czajka)
  • Added return_response and ignore_response parameters to engine which allow to skip response processing and speed up the create/update/delete operation in case response body isn't needed (see docs for details)


  • Backwards Incompatible: Requests version required >= 2.23.0
  • Backwards Incompatible: Removed Python 3.4 support as it's not supported by Requests anymore


  • User's send_information field wasn't sent correctly to Redmine so account information emails were never sent (Issue #227) (thanks to wodny)
  • Project resource default_version attribute was returned as a dict instead of being converted to Resource object
  • Resource object was leaking memory during initialization (Issue #257) (thanks to yihli)


  • Introduced detailed parameter list for redmine.session
  • Mentioned support for admin in User's resource create/update


28 Feb 11:50
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  • ProjectMembership resource group attribute was returned as a dict instead of being converted to Resource object (Issue #220) (thanks to Samuel Harmer)


13 Jan 12:11
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  • PerformanceWarning will be issued when Python-Redmine does some unnecessary work under the hood to fix the clients code problems


  • Backwards Incompatible: Removed vendored Requests package and make it an external dependency as Requests did the same with it's own dependencies
  • Backwards Incompatible: Removed Python 2.6 and 3.3 support as they're not supported by Requests anymore


  • Redmine.upload() fails under certain circumstances when used with a file-like object and it contains unicode instead of bytes (Issue #216)
  • Redmine.session() doesn't restore previous engine if fails (Issue #211) (thanks to Dmitry Logvinenko)


02 May 17:10
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  • Fix PyPI package


02 May 13:44
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This release concentrates mostly on stability and adds small features here and there. Some of them are backwards incompatible and are marked as such. They shouldn't affect many users since most of them were used internally by Python-Redmine. A support for the Files API has been finally added, but please be sure to check it's documentation as the implementation on the Redmine side is horrible and there are things to keep in mind while working with Files API. Lastly, only until the end of May 2018 there is a chance to buy a Pro Edition for only 14.99$ instead of the usual 24.99$, this is your chance to get an edition with additional features for a good price and to support the further development of Python-Redmine, more info here.

New Features:

  • Files API support (Issue #117)


  • Backwards Incompatible: ResourceSet's filter() method became more advanced. It is now possible to filter on all available resource attributes, to follow resource relationships and apply lookups to the filters (see docs for details)

  • ResourceManager class has been refactored:

    • manager_class attribute on the Resource class can now be used to assign a separate ResourceManager to a resource, that allows outsourcing a resource specific functionality to a separate manager class (see WikiPageManager as an example)
    • Backwards Incompatible: request() method has been removed
    • _construct_*_url(), _prepare_*_request(), _process_*_response() methods have been added for create, update and delete methods to allow a fine-grained control over these operations
  • Ability to upload file-like objects (Issue #186) (thanks to hjpotter92)

  • Support for retrieving project's time entry activities (see docs for details)

  • Attachment update() operation support (requires Redmine >= 3.4.0)

  • now accepts **attrs that need to be changed/set and returns self instead of a boolean True, which makes it chainable, so you can now do something like'foo', description='bar').export('txt', '/home/foo')

  • get operation support for News, Query, Enumeration, IssueStatus, Tracker, CustomField, ContactTag, DealStatus, DealCategory and CRMQuery resources

  • include param in get, all and filter operations now accepts lists and tuples instead of comma-separated string which is still accepted for backward compatibility reasons, i.e. one can use include=['foo', 'bar'] instead of include='foo,bar'

  • It is now possible to use None and 0 in addition to '' in assigned_to_id attribute in Issue resource if an assignee needs to be removed from an issue


  • Backwards Incompatible: Issue all operation now really returns all issues, i.e. both open and closed, instead of only returning open issues in previous versions due to the respect to Redmine's standard behaviour
  • Backwards Incompatible: Instead of only returning a token string, upload() method was modified to return a dict that contains all the data for an upload returned from Redmine, i.e. id and token for Redmine >= 3.4.0, token only for Redmine < 3.4.0. Also it is now possible to use this token and pass it using a token key instead of the path key with path to the file in uploads parameter when doing an upload, this gives more control over the uploading process if needed
  • Backwards Incompatible: Removed resource_paths argument from Redmine object since ResourceManager now uses a special resource registry, to which, all resources that inherit from any Python-Redmine resource are being automatically added
  • Backwards Incompatible: Removed container_many in favor of container_filter, container_create and container_update attributes on Resource object to allow more fine-grained resource setup
  • Backwards Incompatible: return_raw parameter on engine.request() and engine.process_response() methods has been removed in favor of return_raw_response attribute on engine object
  • Updated bundled requests library to v2.15.1


  • Support 204 status code when deleting a resource (Issue #189) (thanks to dotSlashLu)
  • Raise ValidationError instead of not helpful TypeError exception when trying to create a WikiPage resource that already exists (Issue #182)
  • Enumeration, Version, Group and Notes custom_fields attribute was returned as a list of dicts instead of being converted to ResourceSet object
  • Downloads were downloaded fully into memory instead of being streamed as needed
  • ResourceRequirementsError exception was broken since v2.0.0
  • RedmineUP CRM Contact and Deal resources export functionality didn't work
  • RedmineUP CRM Contact and Deal resources sometimes weren't converted to Resource objects using Search API


  • Mentioned support for generate_password and send_information in User's resource create/update methods, status in User's resource update method, parent_id in Issue's filter method and include in Issue's all method


19 Apr 21:11
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  • Filter doesn't work when there are > 100 resources requested (Issue #175) (thanks to niwatolli3)


10 Apr 22:21
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  • Fix PyPI package


10 Apr 21:07
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This version brings a lot of new features and changes, some of them are backward-incompatible, so please look carefully at the changelog below to find out what needs to be changed in your code to make it work with this version. Also Python-Redmine now comes in 2 editions: Standard and Pro, please have a look at this document for more details. Documentation was also significantly rewritten, so it is recommended to reread it even if you are an experienced Python-Redmine user.

New Features:

  • RedmineUP Checklist plugin support
  • Request Engines support. It is now possible to create engines to define how requests to Redmine are made, e.g. synchronous (one by one) or asynchronous using threads or processes etc.
  • redmine.session() context manager which allows to temporary redefine engine's behaviour
  • Search API support (Issue #138)
  • Export functionality (Issue #58)
  • REDMINE_USE_EXTERNAL_REQUESTS environmental variable for emergency cases which allows to use external requests instead of bundled one even if external requests version is lower than the bundled one
  • Wrong HTTP protocol usage detector, e.g. one use HTTP when HTTPS should be used


  • ResourceSet objects were completely rewritten:

    • ResourceSet object that was already sliced now supports reslicing
    • ResourceSet object's delete(), update(), filter() and get() methods have been optimized for speed
    • ResourceSet object's delete() and update() methods now call the corresponding Resource's pre_*() and post_*() methods
    • ResourceSet object's get() and filter() methods now supports non-integer id's, e.g. WikiPage's title can now be used with it
    • ValuesResourceSet class has been removed
    • ResourceSet.values() method now returns an iterable of dicts instead of ValuesResourceSet object
    • ResourceSet.values_list() method has been added which returns an iterable of tuples with Resource values or single values if flattened, i.e. flat=True
  • New Resource object methods:

    • delete() deletes current resource from Redmine
    • pre_delete() and post_delete() can be used to execute tasks that should be done before/after deleting the resource through delete() method
    • bulk_decode(), bulk_encode(), decode() and encode() which are used to translate attributes of the resource to/from Python/Redmine
  • Attachment delete() method support (requires Redmine >= 3.3.0)

  • RedmineUP CRM Note resource now provides type attribute which shows text representation of type_id

  • RedmineUP CRM DealStatus resource now provides status attribute which shows text representation of status_type

  • WikiPage resource now provides project_id attribute

  • Unicode handling was significantly rewritten and shouldn't cause any more troubles

  • UnknownError exception now contains status_code attribute which can be used to handle the exception instead of parsing code from exception's text

  • Sync engine's speed improved to 8-12% depending on the amount of resources fetched


  • Renamed package name from redmine to redminelib
  • Resource class attributes that were previously tuples are now lists
  • _Resource class renamed to Resource
  • Redmine.custom_resource_paths keyword argument renamed to resource_paths
  • method now returns a requests.Response object directly instead of iter_content() method if a savepath param wasn't provided, this gives user even more control over response data
  • Resource.refresh() now really refreshes itself instead of returning a new refreshed resource, to get the previous behaviour use itself param, e.g. Resource.refresh(itself=False)
  • Removed Python 3.2 support
  • Removed container_filter, container_create and container_update attributes on Resource object in favor of container_many attribute
  • Removed Resource.translate_params() and ResourceManager.prepare_params() in favor of Resource.bulk_decode()
  • Removed is_unicode(), is_string() and to_string() from redminelib.utilities
  • Updated bundled requests library to v2.13.0


  • Infinite loop when uploading zero-length files (Issue #152)
  • Unsupported Redmine resource error while trying to use Python-Redmine without installation (Issue #156)
  • It was impossible to set data, params and headers via requests keyword argument on Redmine object
  • Calling str() or repr() on a Resource was giving incorrect results if exception raising was turned off for a resource


  • Switched to the alabaster theme

  • Added new sections:

  • Added info about Issue Journals (Issue #120)

  • Added note about open/closed issues (Issue #136)

  • Added note about regexp custom field filter (Issue #164)

  • Added some new information here and there