- just compute the net passenger on the boat on each day.
- check if that not exceed the limit.
Java Code
class Solution {
public boolean carPooling(int[][] trips, int capacity) {
Map<Integer, Integer> mp = new TreeMap<>();
Integer count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < trips.length; i++) {
int passenger = trips[i][0];
int a = trips[i][1];
int b = trips[i][2];
if (mp.containsKey(a)) mp.put(a, mp.get(a) + passenger);
else mp.put(a, passenger);
if (mp.containsKey(b)) mp.put(b, mp.get(b) - passenger);
else mp.put(b, -passenger);
for (var i : mp.entrySet()) {
count += i.getValue();
if (count > capacity)
return false;
return true;
C++ Code
class Solution {
bool carPooling(vector<vector<int>>& trips, int capacity) {
map<int, int> arr;
for (const auto& i: trips) {
auto value = i[0];
auto start = i[1];
auto end = i[2];
arr[start] += value;
arr[end] += -value;
int sum = 0;
for (auto& i: arr) {
sum += i.second;
if (sum > capacity)
return false;
return true;