Digital assets and blockchain applications
(* means that these tokens and applications are functional, but no longer maintained)
Microfi Free Flow (XMI) CashTokens and distribution application (aka faucet)
MAZEy Bitcoin Cash CashTokens wallet and paperwallet generator
DarkLabs CRC20 CashTokens
The Legendary Zombie Government NFTs
Microfi Token (XMI) - a mintable token
Anomaly Token (XAY) - a fungible token
Anomaly NFTs - a collection of NFTs on Gamma
MAZE Token (MAZE) - a mineable (proof-of-work) token, based on Mist Coin
MAZE-NFT (MAZE) - mineable (proof-of-work) NFTs, based on Mist Coin
MAZE-REBEL (REBEL) - a mintable (cashscript smartcontract) token
ZOMBIE - a fungible token
ZOMBIE NFT - mineable (proof-of-work) NFTs, based on Mist Coin and distribution application (aka faucet)
PostOffice - use tokens as fee, based on SimpleLedger PostOffice
MAZE - a mineable (proof-of-work) token, based on 0xBitcoin
ZOMBIE - a fungible token
VANDALS - a fungible token and tokens distribution application (Vandals Bank)
UNDERGROUND (URGD) - a reflection token, based on BigShortBets token
POSTBOX - "a message in a bottle" (send on-chain messages)
MAZE-ARENA - ERC1155 semi fungible tokens
Blockchain Invaders (INVADERS) - a fungible token
The Book Of Dog (BODO) - a token and on-chain messages application
RENDERAI NFT - a collection of AI generated images
Open Desert - multichan NFTs market
RENDERAI NFT - a collection of AI generated images (Polygon) redeployed from Dogechain