Python3 implementation for converting Artemis PBKDF2WithHmacSHA1 hashes to hashcat format
The default configuration for Apache Artemis is to use the DefaultSensitiveStringCodec in order to store user passwords as PBKDF2WithHmacSHA1 hashes in the "" file.
The hashes stored in "" usually have the following form:
This python3 code converts the Artemis hash into a hashcat compatible format using one of the following commands:
- With "ENC(...)":
python3 'ENC(1024:8D873D1EDFB8ABACBC1A8229AC6A691B2856427B385167AC5DA636A8B0D0CF7C:50DE2FF97B69C8B8D127356F8F1090730F8F805DAA288E804E199788394EF0C9363671038857CB7F83ACE9022ACE2119792B9FCFB72CA68D026A5458B2D4C7CF)'
- Content without "ENC(...)":
python3 '1024:8D873D1EDFB8ABACBC1A8229AC6A691B2856427B385167AC5DA636A8B0D0CF7C:50DE2FF97B69C8B8D127356F8F1090730F8F805DAA288E804E199788394EF0C9363671038857CB7F83ACE9022ACE2119792B9FCFB72CA68D026A5458B2D4C7CF'
Note: The above hash corresponds to the plaintext password "7KBeh41j".
The result of the above commands should have the following form:
By writing the output to a file (e.g. test.hashcat) we can use the following hashcat command, with hash-mode 12000, in order to attempt to crack the hash:
hashcat -m 12000 -a 0 test.hashcat test.lst