Scripts and logics to train tracking models for the ultra-fast simulation of the LHCb experiment.
The ultra-fast simulation of the LHCb experiment is based on a combination of simple parametrization and machine-learning models that concur to the parametrization of the overall response of the whole detector.
We organize in this package the code to train and validate the machine-learning models used to parametrize the response of the tracking system.
This includes:
- the geometrical acceptance of the detector
- the tracking efficiency
- the resolution on the position and the momentum of the reconstructed tracks
- the covariance matrix of the track parameters in its closest approach to the beam direction
for the training of the models describing the PID
- NumPy
- Pandas
- Uproot [scikit-hep/uproot4]
- TensorFlow 2
- Scikit-learn
- HTML Reports [html-reports]
- scikinC [scikinC]
The pipeline is described in a Snakefile so
snakemake -j <number-of-cores> all
should be enough to train the whole set of models.