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pgGeocoder - Japanese Geocoder on PostgreSQL


  • PostgreSQL >= 11
  • PostGIS >= 2.5

For Address Data Import and Creation

  • GDAL >= 2.1
  • curl
  • unzip
  • iconv


  1. Copy .env.example to .env.

    $ cd /path/to/pgGeocoder
    $ cp .env.example .env
  2. Open .env file with some text editor and adjust database settings and the years of the dataset to import.


    Note: To download and install address data from multiple years to have a historical data set, the YEAR_ISJ parameter can be set as follows:


    Be aware though that this will require substantial disk space resources.

  3. Create address database (with same as .env values).
    (If the database exists, drop it at first.)

    $ dropdb -U postgres addresses
    $ createdb -U postgres addresses
  4. Run install and download/import scripts.

    $ bash scripts/
    $ bash scripts/
  5. Run maintenance script.

    $ bash scripts/

    If keeping original data source tables is preferable, add 1 as the argument.

    $ bash scripts/ 1

    Note: The maintainance script will take around 45 mins to complete depending on the specs of the computer.


About tables structure, check the following files.

About functions, check the following files.


$ psql -U postgres addresses
  • Geocode on address:
    select * from geocoder('京都府京都市中京区河原町通四条上る米屋町380-1ツジクラビル1階');
     code |     x      |     y     |          address          | todofuken | shikuchoson | ooaza | chiban | go 
        2 | 135.769661 | 35.004476 | 京都府京都市中京区米屋町380番 | 京都府     | 京都市中京区  | 米屋町 | 380    | 
    (1 row)
    select * from geocoder('神奈川県横浜市西区みなとみらい3−6−3');
     code |     x      |     y     |             address             | todofuken | shikuchoson |     ooaza      | chiban | go 
        1 | 139.632805 | 35.458282 | 神奈川県横浜市西区みなとみらい三丁目6番 | 神奈川県   | 横浜市西区    | みなとみらい三丁目 | 6      | 3
    (1 row)
  • Reverse geocode on address:
    select * from reverse_geocoder(141.342094, 43.050264);
     code |         x         |         y         |                address                | todofuken | shikuchoson  |      ooaza       | chiban | go 
        1 | 141.3421173095703 | 43.05035400390625 | 北海道札幌市中央区南七条西十一丁目4-5 | 北海道    | 札幌市中央区 | 南七条西十一丁目 | 4      | 5
     (1 row)
  • Reverse geocode a coordinate and specify search distance in meters (lon, lat, meters)
    select * from reverse_geocoder(141.342094, 43.050264, 50);
     code |         x         |         y         |                address                | todofuken | shikuchoson  |      ooaza       | chiban | go 
        1 | 141.3421173095703 | 43.05035400390625 | 北海道札幌市中央区南七条西十一丁目4-5 | 北海道    | 札幌市中央区 | 南七条西十一丁目 | 4      | 5
     (1 row)

Data Sources

  1. 位置参照情報 (ISJ)
    • Website:
    • Format: CSV (Zipped)
    • Geometry Type: Point
    • Remarks:
      • Point based address data for "Gaiku Level" (街区レベル) and "Oaza Level" (大字・町丁目レベル).
  2. e-Stat 国勢調査町丁・字等別境界データ
  3. 国土数値情報 (KSJ)
  4. デジタル庁 アドレス・ベース・レジストリ (ABR)


  • For Bulk Geocoding, wherein addresses located in a field of a table are geocoded, please see this WIKI Entry.

  • To create TRIGGERS that will geocode addresses automatically on an INSERT or UPDATE operation, please see this WIKI Entry.

  • To do Spatial Analytics using pgGeocoder with GeoFuse, please see this WIKI Entry

  • To view the FOSS4G Presentation for pgGeocoder, please see this WIKI Entry