npm install dhcurve --save
dhcurve is a lower-level ECC and ECDH library for JavaScript. It works in the browser, on node.js 0.10.x, 0.12.x, and io.js. While running in node.js environment on *nix platforms, dhcurve is backed by OpenSSL. In the browser (and in a node.js environment in Windows) it uses sjcl.
As crypto peer review is very important, feel free to review and critique the code! Help make dhcurve better for everyone.
Examples can be found in test/test.js, or in example/example.js
var curve = require('dhcurve');
var keypair1 = curve.generateKeyPair(curve.NamedCurve.P256);
var keypair2 = curve.generateKeyPair(curve.NamedCurve.P256);