Generic DNC is a logical data Server, designed to provide location based data measurement by provide customized tag mapping on top og general database where sensor data is organized based on device IDs. This is acheieved by adding customized tags to the selected location and generate query based on the customzied tags.
v1.3.3 has the following changes:
- Special character in Measurement name has been fixed.
v1.3.2 has the following changes:
- Adding of Endpoint for changing user role
v1.3.1 has the following changes:
- Adding of additional information in invitation Email content
v1.3.0 has the following changes:
- Removal of OTP option for new User Signup
- Adding of sending invitation link for new User Signup through Admin account
v1.2.0 has the following changes:
- Update Login response
- New endpoint for getting field tags of a client
- New endpoint for getting device list with Tags
- New endpoint for getting device map
v1.1.0 has the following changes:
- DNC DB auto initialization
v1.0.1 has the following changes:
v1.0.0 Initial release:
- User Management
- Cleint Management
- Register Device
- Configure Device