Programs created in the Java programming languages used to simulate a game of Battleship between two players over one network socket.
The user first needs to run, passing two command line arguments: a hostname and an open port number. Please see the following example of a valid command line:
java BattleshipClient 100
The above example would establish a game over port 100 using the as a host.
After the host has established a game, run, passing one command line argument: the port number. Please see the following example of a valid command line:
java BattleshipServer 100
The above example would attempt to connect to a game over port 100.
After a connection has been established by both programs, both will send a "READY" signal in turns and wait to recieve one. After "READY" signals have been recieved by both programs, the game will begin by requiring users to place their ships on their boards.
Afterwards, the program shall make the first move.
Java compiler or Java IDE, a network connection, a known open port
- Jared McDonald - Initial work - mcdonaldjx