This is the readme file for JavaTestApp (1.0.0) project.
The java project can be built or executed through the provided scripts/
script, see reference later in this
README for more info on this build script.
To build the project, just execute the following command line :
$> a
To execute the build project, just run it with :
$> r
or you can execute the command line :
$> java -jar target/JavaTestApp-1.0.0.jar
you may use the jdb command line :
jdb -sourcepath src/main/java/,src/main/resources \
NOTE To get more information this script usage, just execute the following command line:
$> scripts/ Build of program 'JavaTestApp-1.0.0' ... ----------- build2 command line usage : --------------------------- $> build2 [options] where: - a|A|all : perform all following operations - c|C|compile : compile all sources project - d|D|doc : generate javadoc for project - t|T|test : execute JUnit tests - j|J|jar : build JAR with all resources - w|W|wrap : Build and wrap jar as a shell script - s|S|sign : Build and wrap signed jar as a shell script - r|R|run : execute (and build if needed) the created JAR (c)2022 MIT License Frederic Delorme (@McGivrer) fredericDOTdelormeATgmailDOTcom -- ----------- ... done.
Key | description |
UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT | Move player vertically or horizontally |
ALT+UP, ALT+DOWN | Player rotation left or right |
CTRL+D, D | Activate debug display, change debug level (0 to 5) |
PAGE-UP, PAGE-DOWN | Camera roll |
ALT+BACKSPACE | Reset camera roll to initial position |
CTRL+Z | Reset Scene |
ESCAPE,Q | Exit demonstration |
P,PAUSE | set/unset Game update in pause mode |
G | Reverse World gravity |
F3 | take screen shot (not implemented yet) |
Enjoy !