It's not a game, it's a lifestyle.
This is a WIP port of University at Buffalo's circa-1990 VMS game Monster to a modern MUD engine (Evennia).
The running game server is up at
- Character
- Account login; each account has a character
- XP/level
- Per-level stat increases
- Classes
- Freeze/delays, queued commands
- Move speed
- Recover health and mana over time
- Various global player messages w/ highlighting
- E.g., "(Puzzeledfrog once again roams the land.)" "(Mummy has returned to sleep.)" "Puzzeledfrog has been slain by Giant Spider's Elf Slayer.""
- Get 50 starting gold at creation and upon rebirth in Void
- Map/Rooms
- Imported all original Tai Tastigon rooms, room descriptions, and exits
- Exit descriptions
- Exit messages: success, failure, "go in", "come out"
- Exit types
- passworded/alias-required, hidden, object required/forbidden/hidden-without
- Exit effects
- set or reset class, change xp, change health, change mana, change gold, alarmed
- Trapdoors
- Special room kinds: no combat, no hide, hard to hide, object destroy, monster generator, monster lair, heal
- Special room magnitudes
- Hidden/searchable exits
- MagicObj / secondary description
- LOOK-able room details
- Objects
- Imported all original objects (weapons, armor, etc)
- Simple gold system
- Wear/equipment slots
- Drop-destroy
- Hidden/searchable
- Cursed (no drop)
- Combat
- Attack command
- Damage-dependent attack messages for attacker, target, and observer (e.g., "Tutt creams your poor little body!!")
- Rest w/ exit
- Weapon base damage / random damage
- Character health and max health
- Death at 0 health => go to the Void
- Armor
- XP for kills (based on level/xp comparison)
- Weapon use percent
- Claws
- Surprise attack
- Freeze
- Weapon speed
- Poison
- Punch
- Command set
- . for last action
- who that shows everyone's room location
- sheet
- brief
- buy / sell
- equip / unequip
- name
- hide / reveal / search, and "unidentified voice" for hidesay
- shout (easy replacement for thundering voice)
- express (replaces Evennia pose)
- make command
- show (details) command
- use command
- Make some built-in Evennia commands queueable/blocking (look, say, whisper, get, drop, etc)
- Edit self-description (via Evennia setdesc)
- Remove any Evennia commands we don't want
- Target-needing commands picking the first match, to better deal with name dupes
- Commerce
- Simple merchant in-room object that works with buy/sell
- Weapon, armor, and spellbook merchants spawned at sensible rooms around the realm
- Spells
- Spell and SpellEffect schema
- Character and class mana
- Spellbooks w/ spells
- learn command (list spells only)
- cast command
- At Who? target prompt
- Spell effects: hurt, group hurt, heal, sleep (freeze), distance hurt, cure/poison
- Direction/Target prompt for distance spells
- Spell deflect and armor
- Randoms (aka mobs)
- Mob class with prototypes from OG Monster randoms.json data
- Simple mob AI: find target, attack, die, patrol/hunt
- Mobs spawned by MONSTER_GENERATOR and MONSTER_LAIR rooms
- Lair mobs stay in lair
- drop gold and object
- Map/Rooms
- Move silent between rooms
- Exit types
- guardian
- Exit effects
- guardian, health less
- Windows / window_descs (e.g., Improbable Structure <=> Forbidden Library)
- Use NamePrint (Preposition for room name printing) / PrintParticle [sic]
- Object drop destination
- Objects
- Object damage
- Enter amount of gold to drop
- Combat
- Drop objects when hit
- Missiles and throw command
- Bombs and lob command
- Commands
- block command
- steal / pickpocket commands
- Atmosphere
- ctrl-c or some way to interrupt command queue
- Command help text
- Spells
- Spell effects: push, strength/weak, speed/slow, invisible, see invisible, detect magic, find person, locate
- Randoms (aka mobs)
- search for hidden character
- sayings
- pursuit chance / pursuit behavior
- smarter lair behavior
- Map/Rooms
- Room special/special effect
- afaict used only to overload commands in tutorial rooms?
- Starting game tutorial rooms
- Nice to have
- Room owners / customizations
- (unclear if we need to bother replicating old monster custroom.pas, given Evennia's existing toolset
- Special room kinds: market (we have merchant objects instead), random group, random level, treasure drop (no rooms seem to use these SpcRoom values)
- Room special/special effect
- Spells
- Spell effects: announce (we have shout command instead of thundering voice), command (better implemented as a new effect in code?)
- Randoms (aka mobs)
- cast spells and other combat behaviors