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Local assembly based SV detection using single-molecule sequencing reads and a phased SNV VCF file. Sample data to run this is available at


This software pipeline performs SV calling with four main steps:

  1. Local assembly of haplotype-partitioned reads.
  2. Merging of local assemblies into a reference-guided assembly.
  3. Mapping merged assemblies to the reference.
  4. Filtering SVs by read-support of breakpoints.

For installation, please refer to

Running PhasedSV

  1. Data generation. Phased-SV assumes you have BAM files of reads aligned to the reference, and a vcf file of phased SNVs. A minimum of 40X works best. To run a test on chromosome 22, you can download data listed in SampleData.txt. If you are generating bams from scratch, you can reference the in pbsamstream for the commands to generate correctly formatted bam files.

  2. Configuration.

    2.1. Setup python environment. It is easiest to ensure compatibility with python modules if virtual environments are used. A utility script is provided to create and populate the virtualenv with the required python modules for running phasedsv. You can create the module using source

    2.2. local_assembly/Configure.mak: This sets up variables used in the make files that run local assemblies. They need to point to the reference (indexed by samtools faidx and blasr sawriter), and the canu installation. The value of "READ_SOURCE" should be set to "HGSVG_BAM" if running PacBio RSII alignments, and anything else (or not set) otherwise. The template local_assembly/Configure.mak.template may be used to create local_assembly/Configure.mak.

    2.3. Create a BAM fofn. This should be a file of complete paths to the bam or bams if the alignments are split into multiple bams. If the parents are being used for a trio assembly, there should be similar file for reads from each parent.

  3. Run local assemblies. 3.1. Assembly parameter file Create a parameter file describing the source data for the file, with key=value format for assigning variables in BASH. This requires the following keys: REF: The full path to the reference reads are aligned to. BAMS: The path to the bam file of file names. This is one line per bam, with the full path to the file. VCF: The VCF file that has the phased SNVs. SAMPLE: The name of the sample that is being assembled (the sample ID in the VCF file). DEST : The top level directory where the assemblies, alignments, and records will go. An example file is given in assembly_parameters.template.

    3.2 Defining regions. Define the regions that will be assembled. These can be copied from hgsvg/regions/Windows.60kb-span.20kbp-stride.txt. In general they are in the format chrom.start-end. 3.3 Trio assembly. If you are running a trio assembly, you need to generate bed files that contain the regions which the parental reads may be unambiguously assigned. The example below uses the phased vcf for the Puerto Rican family. hgsvg/phasing/ --vcf data/rgn1.vcf.gz --child HG00733 --fa HG00731 --mo HG00732 --faBed fa.bed --moBed mo.bed

    3.3 Run local assemblies. This is a computationally intensive task, and is best ran on a cluster. For every line in the regions file, a local assembly must be generated. For single-sample assemblies, the command is There is a helper script that will generate grid commands for SGE and SLURM in local_assembly/grid_scripts/

usage: [-h] --regions REGIONS --params PARAMS
                               [--runTrio] --grid {sge,uge,slurm}
                               [--base BASE] [--conc CONC] [--config CONFIG]

Prepare submission scripts for sge, uge, or slurm cluster management systems.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --regions REGIONS     Full path to regions.
  --params PARAMS       Path to parameter file
  --runTrio             Prepare commands for trio assembly.
  --grid {sge,uge,slurm}
                        Grid type
  --base BASE           base name for grid commands
  --conc CONC           Number of concurrent jobs
  --config CONFIG       Extra configuration parameters for job submission

For example, with the test data on SGE: local_assembly/grid_scripts/ --regions PhasedSVTestData/regions.txt --params assembly_parameters.trio --runTrio --grid sge --base asm --conc 50

After this, you can submit jobs running source ./

  1. Calling variation. First you will need to configure the directory where the varint calling snakefiles run. The base directory will be in the value of the DEST directory of the assembly_parameters file, which by default is asm. Calling variation happens in two steps: (1) stitching and aligning local assemblies, and (2) filtering variants from local assembly alignments using the snakefiles hgsvg/stitching/Stitching.snakefile and hgsvg/stitching/SVQC.snakefile.

    4.1 Setup configuration script phasedsv.json. This json is used by both snakefiles. There is a template in hsvg/phasedsv.json.template. The values that should be specified are: ref: path to reference reads are aligned to. sample: the name of the sample, used in plotting. bams: the path to the child bams fofn. cov_cutoff minimal coverage for read-back SV filtering. The default of 3 was determined empirically for 40-fold sequence coverage. inversions a path to a file of inversions detected in this sample, or a blank file. tr_cluster_size Condense clusters of SVs in tandem repeats that have this value or greater number of SVs.

    4.2. Setup grid configuration grid.json. This json file gives the parameters for submitting jobs to the cluster. Two tempaltes are available: files: hgsvg/grid.json.sge and hgsvg/grid.json.slurm.

    If you have SGE or SLURM, copy the corresponding file to grid.json in the working directory.

    4.3. Run the stitching and SVQC snakefiles. snakemake -p -s hgsvg/stitching/Stitching.snakefile snakemake -p -s hgsvg/stitching/SVQC.snakefile

    If you want to distribut this on a cluster, use -j and --cluster "{params.grid_opts}", along with any necessary --jobscript parameters.


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