Crucifix M. (2012), Oscillators and relaxation phenomena in Pleistocene climate theory, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, (370) 1140-1165 doi:10.1098/rsta.2011.0315
Realeased 'as is'
SaltzmanMaash91 : auto and fortran routines for Figures 3 and 4. Note that the gnuplot output (
) was edited in inkscape to add annotations See further info in README when provided -
Figure_PP04 : data and auto code for Parrenin-Paillard stuff
Data : insolation data by Berger 1978
Fortran: used for stochastic van der pol
Figure_Beta : dependency of the natural oscillating period of the biased van der pol on Beta. Finally not shown in the last version of the paper
Figure_Synchro : that figure was finally published in De Sadeleer et al. 2013
Figure_Saltzman_Hopf : Material for Figure 5 of the paper
Figure_Cardinality : was finally published in De Saedeleer et al. Clim. Dyn. 2013
Figure_Overshoot : discarded. Kept for historical reasons only