From June to September 2022 I worked in a quantum optics subgroup in the Lukin Group at Harvard University. The subgroup I was in studied 2D materials/TMDs (transition metal dichalcogenides) using spectroscopy and NV centers. During my time I built a CSLM (Confocal Scanning laser Microscope) and wrote software to control the setup for NV-based measurements. Software was written in Python in a Jupyter-Lab notebook and then moved to a GUI-based interface written from scratch using PyQt5. The QCoDeS data-acquisition framework was used to run the experiment.
This is a folder containing the GUI-based implementation of the experiment contorl software.
This file is the notebook running the setup on the optical bench
This file contains all of the collected images from the CSLM once consistently working scanning was acheived.
This is a running file with old code sections used as reference.
This file is an older program dedicated to interfacing with the counter input channels on the cDAQ NI-9402 card.