How to create a new plugin for EDIVisualizer :
- Create main namespace "PluginApp"
- Create main public class "PluginClass"
- References EDIVisualizerInterfaces library
- inherit IPlugin interface in PluginClass
- Interface description :
- Properties
- public string Comment : plugin description, comments
- public string Extension : plugin file extension (ex:"tpl")
- public string ExtensionFilter : file extension description (ex:"Template files|*.tpl")
- public EDIVisualizer.Interfaces.Type PluginType :
- Plugin type enumeration ->
- Norme : plugin that manage standard (Edifact, X12, Vda...)
- Session : plugin that manage loading file (used by PluginSession)
- None : Other plugin category
- Plugin type enumeration ->
- public bool SearchInParent : Indicate if plugin manage search in loading file
- public int Index : order of the plugin in container tab control
- Functions
- public void LoadFile(string fileName) : main function for manage loading file (input fileName parameter)
- public void reset() : Clean control function when it raise by the parent form
- public bool Autodect(string fileName) : Function that recognise the file is in the right format with regular expression for example. Return true if the input fileName parameter is recognize.
- public bool Search(string searchString) : search function. Return true for a success match (input searchString parameter)
- public void LoadSession(string sessionNumber, string environnement) : not used in public version of EDIVisualizer
- Properties
- Compile and put the dll in the "Plugins" directory beside EDIVisualizer.exe
Class example :
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Data;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using EDIVisualizer.Interfaces;
namespace PluginApp
public partial class PluginClass : UserControl, IPlugin
public PluginClass()
this.Name = "Template plugin";
public string Comment
get { return string.Empty; }
public string Extension
get { return "tpl".ToLower(); }
public string ExtensionFilter
get { return "Template files|*.tpl"; }
public EDIVisualizer.Interfaces.Type PluginType
get { return EDIVisualizer.Interfaces.Type.None; }
public bool SearchInParent
get { return false; }
public void LoadFile(string fileName)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public void reset()
throw new NotImplementedException();
public bool Autodect(string fileName)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public bool Search(string searchString)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public int Index
get { return 0; }
public void LoadSession(string sessionNumber, string environnement)
throw new NotImplementedException();