Hello, I am making an application about online sales/E-Commerce, this application is made using native php and MySQL, some of the APIs used are Midtrans for payments and also RajaOngkir to find shipping addresses by region. If you are interested, please email to mdhiftaa@gmail.com, telegram https://t.me/Enang55 or whatsapp https://wa.me/6285791419625 to get the database.
If you want a database, you can make any donations Rp. 400.000 (confirm with my contact: wa, tele or email) or contributions by submitting an application to the contact listed.
Link Demo App : https://digisoft.id/ecommerce/
Link Demo Admin : https://digisoft.id/ecommerce/admin/
Account Admin :
admin super
- username : digisoft@gmail.com
- password : 123456
admin owner
- username : myadmin@gmail.com
- password : 123456
Programming Language:
- Javascript
- None (Native)
- Midtrans
- RajaOngkir
Available features:
- Payment Gateway
- To up User Balance
- Chat
- Discounts and Vouchers
- Entering Category Data, Clothing Data (selling goods), colors, sizes, and others.