How to make your own show
Click here then click copy and fill out the google sheet, then download it as .csv (google account required)
- You should be able to add multiple shows at once, just add them as additional rows
- The shows names are found in the "SceneNames" text file in StreamingAssets
* Copy/paste them exactly as they are- the names you want to use are the ones on the right side
* Example with Funny Haha is StandupComedy - you want StandupComedy
- Replace the supplied .csv with your csv file
- Replace the appropriate media in the subfolders with your own
Edit the "TvModeShowLineup" text file found in StreamingAssets and add the exact "ShowName" that you entered in the google sheet
Go into the Other Setting menu in Nightmare Puppeteer (accesible from start screen)
Click the button under "Add a new Tv Mode Show" and select the "MyNewShows"(from supplied example data file) folder that contains your csv file etc
Your show should be created and saved/loaded every time you run Nightmare Puppeteer
- For heads and body names check the "AllBodies" and "AllHeads" folders in StreamingAssets
- You can regenerate these by running the console command "PrintAllHeadsAndBodies"
- For font names check StreamingAssets, when you run NP it will generate a text file there with your available usable fonts
- The title and light colors use html Hex colors get hex color codes here paste them with the #
- For multiple items like Scenes, LightColors, HeadNames etc
- Add muliples separated by a comma with no spaces between them like this item1,item2,item3
- If you want to use Google text to speech api voices use the console command "GoogleTextToSpeechApiKey" and paste your api key, press space bar to leave a space then paste the api key- if you don't make a space first it throws an error (hands up emoji)
- To learn about Dialogue template editing/creation go here
- For more details about show editing go here