My name is Matthew Duncan and I'm a data scientist with a passion for modeling, analysis, and problem-solving. I am specifically interested in using the power of data to help drive decision-making as we move together into the future. My interests stem from my background at Texas A&M University where I graduated with a B.S. in Environmental Science with a focus on Oceanography. During that time, I was first introduced to large datasets and the power that large-scale modeling has. After a brief stint in the financial industry, I am now focused on helping organizations leverage the power of data.
I became a data scientist because I’m passionate about creative problem solving and I enjoy teaching others about the insights I have gained through my work. I want to apply my love of science and data to challenges where I can have an impact and help others.
- 🔭 I’m currently working on a model to detect Hotel Cancellations
- 🌱 I’m also working on my AWS certification through their Data Analytics Learning Plan
- 👯 Open to collaborate on data and machine learning projects that tell interesting stories
- 🗽 NYC-based
- ⚡ Fun fact: I love traveling and visiting new places with my family!