A simple Flutter project to get notification from Measurify.
You need to install Flutter SDK on your platform. To check the environment and displays a report to the terminal window to find dependencies that required to install, type this command:
flutter doctor
We are using Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) because it's a cross-platform messaging solution that lets you reliably deliver messages at no cost. Ask for a google-services.json that needs to be in the same Firebase project as the admin firebase server.
Download the source code of this demand add your android/app/google-services.json file (provided by Firebase console). (If you are the admin of your Firebase project: See this documentation in order to get the file).
Open the source code with Visual Studio Code and run the following command to run the demo application on an attached device or emulator:
flutter run
Then, using the provided Push Messagging Token, you can subscribe to a notification channel ("Subscription resource") on the Measurify server, specifiyng a "Thing" OR a "Device":
POST {{server_url}}/v1/subscriptions
"thing": "[INSERT_THING_ID]",
"device": "[INSERT-DEVICE-ID]"
Now, when a new measeurement (about the provided thing/device) will be stored on the server, your mobile application will be notified.