The first cryptocurrency to implement the BalloonHash password hashing function
Hardfork to new codebase occurs at block 1,165,000, however Mooncoin 0.10 and 0.13 wallets will be compatible until this point.
PoW algorithm will switch from Scrypt to BalloonHash (
Block retarget algorithm will switch to DUAL_KGW3 with Bitsend timeout; after which diff will lower dynamically if a block has not been found after 60 minutes.
Warpsync block speedup - meaning a full sync from scratch can be achieved in 34 minutes (tested to the point of obsession on a core2quad q8200, you will sync quicker).
Controlled lowering of coin emission via dynamic nSubsidy (schedule available at
Features included to prevent devaluation/movement of the currency due to stolen funds.
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