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Repository files navigation build with Astro

Key Features

  • Astro v3.0 Fast 🚀
  • View Transitions from Astro
  • TailwindCSS Utility classes
  • Accessible, semantic HTML markup
  • Responsive & SEO-friendly
  • Dark / Light mode, using Tailwind and CSS variables
  • Astro Assets Integration for optimised images
  • MD & MDX posts
  • Satori for creating open graph png images
  • Pagination
  • Automatic RSS feed
  • Shiki code syntax styling
  • Auto-generated sitemap
  • Pagefind static search library integration
  • Astro Icon svg icon component


Replace pnpm with your choice of npm / yarn

Command Action
pnpm install Installs dependencies
pnpm dev Starts local dev server at localhost:3000
pnpm build Build your production site to ./dist/
pnpm postbuild Pagefind script to build the static search of your blog posts
pnpm preview Preview your build locally, before deploying
pnpm sync Generate types based on your config in src/content/config.ts


  • src/site.config.ts for basic site meta data
  • astro.config.ts site property


starter with Astro Theme Cactus
